Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Heading to Peru

Going to try to make it to Mancora on Monday. It is another little surf town on the Pacific side. Not sure if I can make it the whole way, so I may end up staying in Guayaquil for a night. Will be sure to check in once I get established.

Just rolled into Guayaquil. May actually stay here for a day, and then head to Mancora. Staying at a hostel called Dreamkapture Hostal. Will get back in touch Tuesday.......hungry....tired.

Hey all, my apologies for the late replies, but I´ve been feeling a little under the weather the past few days (as they say in Nfld, ¨Dems da breaks¨). Lots of rest, lots of fluids, and some perscription drugs, and I´m back on my feet again. Going to try to get out of here tomorrow. May actually stick around Ecuador for a bit, as I don´t think I´m ready for surfing again just quite yet. Will try to get some more pics posted, but the computers here aren´t the most cooperative ones that I´ve come across. Anyway, I´m off to find a nice meal......and some more water.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

PIcs from Quito

Stayed in Canoa, Ecuador for a couple of days. Nice little beach town. First day was cloudy, but 2nd was stellar. Got to do some surfing, and then just hanging out at the beach. Couple nice pics of the sunset. Stayed at a hostel called Cocoloco, owned by a dutch guy named Franz. Cozy beds and nice hot showers. Was awesome getting back to the beach again, and just spending a couple of days relaxing.

Have now landed in a small little surfing town called Montanita, in Ecuador (further down the coast). It is an awesome little spot that is nice and cheap. Probably will be hanging out here for a few days.

Here are some pics from Quito, and from my trip to the cloud forest in Mindo. Little heavy on the scenery side, but what can you do. It also has......´THE MIDDLE OF THE WORLD´!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Quito, Ecuador

Finally have gotten the motivation to leave Quito. It is a super cool little town, and I have been staying at a sweet little hostel called El Centro del Mundo. Nice cozy little spot. Had a nice big living room with cushions all over the floor, and full cable! Actually got to watch the end of the PGA Championship......nice to see Weir back in contention at a major. This hostel also has free Rum and Coke nights, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. As you can imagine, it turns into quite the little party.

I did a trek into the cloud forest here a couple of days ago, and got some pretty good pics. The trek led to some nice little waterfalls that we got to jump off of. Also went to visit the equator. They call it the ´Centre of the World´here.......the most entertaining part of the whole thing is getting to ask the bus driver if he is going to the ´centre of the world´.

Equidor is much, much colder than Central America. It actually gets quite chilly down here at nighttime. The daytime isn´t too bad (25 to 28 range), but I have been freezing my ass off at night. Had to go out and find a big sweater.....have also gotten rid of some of my warmer clothes. The great part here though, is the warm showers. I´m told that this is pretty common in South America.

I am heading for Canoa tonight on a night bus. This is supposed to be a nice little beach town on the Pacific side, just up from Manta. Looking forward to getting back to the beach and relaxing. Going to try to stay at a hostel called CocoLoco.

Here are a few pics from Panama, just to proove that I actually did go check out the canal.

Talk to you later.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bocas Pics

Still in Quito, Equador. Have been pretty lazy the past few days, but getting ready to head out soon. And yes, there was an eruption here in Equador, but it is quite south from here. As I said in the comments on the last post, I saw some pics of it and it looked amazing. The guy who was there showed me what the volcano looked like the next day. He actually got woken up in the middle of the night and told to grab his stuff and run. The volcano was actually spraying rocks on the town. It was also cool to see the pics of the bunker that they put everybody in.

I asked him if he saw Pearce Bronson driving by in a Jeep, but still no luck.

Headed back through Granada, and went back to Lac Apollo. Lac Apollo is the giant crater lake that I went to last time I was in Nicaragua. It is a pretty amazing spot.......nice enough to head back there. It was great bumping into friends that I had met last time I was there (Graham the Irishman, Cara at the Hut, and Dave from Ometepe). Had an amazing time, and was super relaxing. I actually slept out on the dock one night on a mattress so that I could catch the sunrise (they only have so many beds at the Monkey Hut, so most people just sleep on mattresses whereever they can find space). Dave owned a farm on Ometepe (the island in the middle of Lac Nicaragua) so it was pretty tempting to actually head back there for another visit, but I had to get going to Panama.

Its funny here, because none of the locals can get my name. They don´t really have a similar sound in the Spanish language, so I usually get called Reee-on, or some other mangled pronounciation. At the border crossings, they just call me Mr. Douglas (my middle name). I guess I can´t complain though, given that my spanish is so horid. Its funny, because when I´m on the local buses and I hear the loud speaker come on announcing something, I always take my earphones off to listen. I don´t know why though, becuase I never understand what the hell they are saying. Habits I guess.

When locals say things to me, I usually just say ´Si, si´, unless they stare at me afterwards, then that means theý´re asking me a question, so then I say ´No se¨. Seems to have worked so far. My many sound effects go a long way for me down here....if they don´t understand what I´m saying, they at least get entertained by it. The only real frustrating part for me, is having to rely on whatever spanish speaking person I´m travelling with to negotiate for me. It kills me, because I´m used to doing my own negotiating........ah, and getting my own way! Ha.

The trip through Miami actually made me a bit homesick. I was craving a couch, armed with a pizza, a converter, and some proline tickets for the football games......the REAL football games, not this soccer shit. Caught some preseason football highlights, and I was almost jumping out of my chair. I don´t know WHAT would happen if I got to watch a Bruins game right now. Especially since they are finally going to win a cup now (by 08-09 season). Patrice, Boyes, Kessel the future star, Timonen in the nets, and of course, big Chara being the anchor on the blueline.

Anyway, its siesta time for me. Bye for now.

Here are some pics from Bocas, and Nicaragua.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Attention All TD Bankers

Scott Sterling is an international superstar!!!!! (I forgot to tell you)

When I was in Guatemala, I was heading towards the Bay Islands, which took about 2 days to get to. As the bus was running behind, my Aussie buddy and I ended up in some little shit town in the middle of nowhere. Given that the buses can be a little painful at times, we decided to treat ourselves to a hotel room with a TV (note, treat meaning $9 each per night.......oh and by a room with a TV, I mean that the family wheeled a couple of beds into their living room for us, and then sat out in the hall all night). After grabbing a bite to eat and getting settled in, we crack on the TV and who else is on there, but the great Scott Sterling!!! It was hilarious. Scott, you were being interviewed about some dye company thingy (can´t remember the details). At first I was impressed with your fluent Spanish, and then I realized that they were dubbing you over. I couldn´t believe it!!! We watched it for about 5 minutes, and then my Aussie buddy made me turn the channel out of boredom (only because of the spanish part though....I swear!). Anyway, I thought that you would all like to hear that.

Scott, if you ever decide to go to Guatemala (for a nice family vacation), I´m sure that you will be welcomed with open arms. Given that they play the same programs 50 times over, I´m sure that you would be quite recognized by late night Guatemalan TV watchers. That, and your fair skin, should put you somewhere amongst the ranks of royalty down here.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Panama City

In Panama City staying at a hostel called Hostal Lyons House. Got in late last night, after being on busses all day yesterday. Had been pretty exhausted for some reason over the past few days, so I´ve spent most of the time sleeping. Slept the whole way on the bus to David (4 hours), on the ground outside the bus station for an hour, most of the way to Panama last night (6 hours), and then fell asleep with my guitar on my bed when I got to the hostel. Feeling nice and refreshed today though!

Bocas were awesome. Wish I had more time there. Met some awesome people and had a blast. Didn´t get a chance to do any surfing though, as I spent most of the time just relaxing. Was there for 4 days, but it didn´t feel like it. Hung out at the Mondu Taitu lots, which was a cool little party hostel with cheap White Russians (the drink). Also got to hang out at the famous Shipwreck place.....a cool little bar with a big ass dock. The dock had a part that was cut out in the middle, where people would eventually get drunk and jump in. I was also lucky enough to hook up with a local who took me out on his boat for a day. Checked out a bunch of the other islands, and got to do some great snorkeling. All he asked for was a few bucks for gas. Pretty awesome considering that the islands were super expensive. It seemed like everything you wanted to do cost 10 to 15 bucks. Some of the other islands there looked amazing though, so I think that you would definitely need a few weeks there.

Today I have met some friends here at the hostel, I am going to try to check out the Panama Canal. I have my flight early in the morning. Heading for Equador to start South America and I´m pretty excited about it. Don´t have much time today, but may be able to jump on tomorrow, as I have a long layover in Miami (don´t ask, Round the World ticket thingy).

The comments that you guys are posting are hilarious by the way.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Made it to San Jose

Just had an amazing time in Granada again. Actually spent most of it at the lodge on the giant crator lake just outside of the city. I got to know all the owners of the hostel who also happened to own the lodge. We just went out for the afternoon to hang out at the lake, and ended up staying for two days. As there were no beds left, I actually slept on a mattress out on the dock. Made for a nice sunrise. Went back to sleep, and then woke up with people all around swimming.

Ended up bumping into my buddy who landed the bartending job there. Was nice to see some familiar faces. Due to a late night of partying with them, I missed my 7.00 o´clock bus, but I did eventually end up making it to San Jose. Staying back at the Pangea Hostel (remember, the very first one that I stayed in when I got to Central America). Going to try to head for Panama in the morning. Want to get to those islands called Boccas del Torro. If I can´t pull it off, I will most likely end up staying in Puerto Viejo in Costa Rica. The bus that I had today was probably the nicest one that I´ve been on, so I´m actually in quite the good mood. Ha.

Anyway, I will be sure to check in once I get to Boccas in the next couple of days. Talk to you then!!!


Have made it to Bocas del Toro. Stayed at a spot called Casbar the first couple of nights, but it was bordering on disgusting, so I have since upgraded to Hotel Heike, which is a beauty of a spot. Things are a little more $$$ once again, so I´m back to ham sandwiches.......well, and a damn good peanut butter and banana sandwich this morning.

The islands are beautiful. Little tough to get to though.......actually got here on a speedboat that cruised through this narrow little jungle river. The ride was pretty damn cool. The border crossing for Panama was pretty dramatic too. They actually make you get off the bus, and then you have to walk across this shitty old bridge yourself. Welcome to Panama! Will check in soon.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back in Granada

Well, after a couple of painful days on the bus, I'm back in Granada. Was tough leaving the islands though I tell you. What a cool spot. I was pretty tempted to stay for the big Sun Jam party on Saturday. I actually got offered a job of working a shift there behind the bar. Could have been my first appearance on Wild On! Ha.

Although it was full the first night, I am now in the Bearded favorite hostel in Central America. Feels kind of cozy being back at a place that is familiar. Actually bumped into a couple of people that I dove with in Utila. My Aussie travel buddy Ross has now moved on to Mexico. It was a pretty emotional goodbye:

"Alright, see ya bro"
"Yeah, alright, take it easy"

Its amazing how 2 girls can get together for an hour, and know each other's complete family, medical and emotional histories, and then how 2 guys can know each other for a month and a half, and still not know anything about each other (except how many beers it takes them to get drunk). Was actually kind of strange getting back on the road by myself again. I kept thinking that I was heading to meet someone, and then I remembered that I didn't actually know anyone where I was going. It helps to be self entertaining on these trips. I just rolled out a couple of my old jokes, and then I was fine. Its funny how I never get sick of hearing them (and those catchy punch lines get me by surprise everytime!).

By the way, what's with this whole Mel Gibson thing, getting caught drinking and driving and then blaming it on Jewish people???? When he goes to court, I wonder if he's going to give one of his emotional speeches like he did in Ransom........"GIVE ME BACK MY LICENSE!!!".

Personally, I would love to see them try to send Braveheart to jail. I feel bad for whatever prison got stuck with him.........."THEY'LL NEVER TAKE........OUR FREEEEEDOM!!!".

That would be awesome.

Anyway, as you can tell, the internet here is free, and I don't really have anything intesting to write about. Will probably hang out here for the weekend, and then start heading for Panama.



Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bay Islands

Have been in the Bay Islands now for just over a week (staying on Utila, in Honduras). Was only planning on staying a few days, but its tough to leave. And the good news is (drumroll), I am now a fully certified Open Water Scuba diver. Actually, as of today, I am now an Advanced diver!! Not bad eh. I have been going to dive school for the past week. The Open Water course was a lot of class time, a lot of tests, and a lot of confined 10 foot dives for practising skills. It is pretty funny when we all first got under water. Everybody just sits in a row looking like dummies, with our arms floating out in front of us. It takes a bit of getting used to breathing through a mouth piece. It was comforting though, knowing that the surface is only a few kicks away. It is also funny trying to communicate under the water. You all just sit there staring at each other with dumb looks on your face. When you are underwater and you can't talk to each other, every little movement seems urgent. My favorite trick would be to stick my left arm out and wave at one of the other students to get their attention, and then I'd point down to my other hand where I'd already be giving them the finger. It was a bit hit.

I have since done 9 dives! I can't believe that I never thought of trying this before. We did our wreck dive a couple of days ago.......a big ass cargo ship that is about 110 feet underwater. It starts getting pretty dark down there, but these carribean waters are so clear, that you can still see perfectly fine. The reefs here are amazing.....considered to be some of the best in the world. And the best part, was that we got to do a night dive last night. Was a little creepy at first (they gave us little lights to use), but I'd have to say that it is probably the closest feeling that you can get to floating in outer space. We came across another crew of divers with lights and it looked like they were a bunch of astronauts coming our way. Once you get adjusted to the weightlessness, it kind of feels like you are floating over giant mountains. The best part is that the marine life under water don't give a shit about you being there......they just keep carrying on with their routines. Got to see tons of awesome fish. No whale sharks though, but apparently they are tough to find. And yes Thor, I didn indeed pull off an underwater air guitar, but unfortunately we didn't have any cameras to catch the moment.

This island is pretty awesome. Main mode of transportation is golf carts and four runners. We actually caught the island in the middle of carnival which is cool. Lots of street festivals and late night beach parties (check the pics). The island actually doesn't speak Spanish. Instead, it is this weird version of carribean english. Apparently it was settled by pirates many a years ago (don't hold me to that one....there are a lot of myths here too). The big party is actually this Saturday. One of our Dive Masters throws a party called Sun Jam. Its on its own little island (they actually have little islands here that are just sand with a few palms trees.....looks like they are out of a cartoon). They are expecting 1500 to 2000 people. The best part is, is that the show Wild On is coming to it (for all those late night TV watchers). I would love to stay, but I have to get moving.

Going to start heading to Panama. Want to get to Bocas del Torro.....some island on the carribean side. It is going to take me a bit to get down there though. Will have to head through Tegas (Teligucipa), then through Managua in Nicaragua (may stop into Granada for a night or two), then through San Jose, Costa Rica, and then on to Bocas. May be a little painful, but what can you do.

Anyway, here are some pics. Talk to you soon!
