Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Monday, August 21, 2006

Quito, Ecuador

Finally have gotten the motivation to leave Quito. It is a super cool little town, and I have been staying at a sweet little hostel called El Centro del Mundo. Nice cozy little spot. Had a nice big living room with cushions all over the floor, and full cable! Actually got to watch the end of the PGA Championship......nice to see Weir back in contention at a major. This hostel also has free Rum and Coke nights, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. As you can imagine, it turns into quite the little party.

I did a trek into the cloud forest here a couple of days ago, and got some pretty good pics. The trek led to some nice little waterfalls that we got to jump off of. Also went to visit the equator. They call it the ´Centre of the World´here.......the most entertaining part of the whole thing is getting to ask the bus driver if he is going to the ´centre of the world´.

Equidor is much, much colder than Central America. It actually gets quite chilly down here at nighttime. The daytime isn´t too bad (25 to 28 range), but I have been freezing my ass off at night. Had to go out and find a big sweater.....have also gotten rid of some of my warmer clothes. The great part here though, is the warm showers. I´m told that this is pretty common in South America.

I am heading for Canoa tonight on a night bus. This is supposed to be a nice little beach town on the Pacific side, just up from Manta. Looking forward to getting back to the beach and relaxing. Going to try to stay at a hostel called CocoLoco.

Here are a few pics from Panama, just to proove that I actually did go check out the canal.

Talk to you later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


OK, here's the gossy from TO:

Your pal & mine, Kerry (from SGD) is now officially engaged (I've known for awhile but sworn to secrecy) to be married next year in NFLD. She's just moved in with the guy....and they're expecting a mini-me in January. Ta Da...

Thought I should keep you in the loop so when you return in a year you can say, "Yeah, I knew that..."

Enjoy Ecuador. Are you going to the Galapagos???!!!! Find a way--it's one of those places you're supposed to see before you die...though maybe those poor animals aren't ready for The MacIntyre Experience yet!!!...Yorga

5:21 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Are you sure you didn't mix up a picture of the ruins with the picture of your so called "hostel"???

And what's all this talk about warm showers being the best part??? Hmmm, I now know without hesitation that I will never take a trip of this nature/magnitude in my lifetime... let's see...prison like conditions, cold showers, and some root vegetables for food all day everyday...and to think you are doing this willingly!! But on a serious note...your experiences are like no other and I think it's great that I get to experience them vicariously through you...

As Greg mentioned doubt this experience will be life changing for you. Love ya.

9:43 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Frisky, is Kerri´s new man actually one of the ones from the show??? From the episodes that I saw, I don´t think that the male species was well represented. As for the Galapagos, that will have to be for another time. The $1500 price tag doesn´t fit into the budget right now.

2:12 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Tara....ha. I love the imagery that you have! The washrooms would definitely be an issue for you, but some of the places here have actually been pretty sweet. I have been eating quite well, and its only going to get better as I get into Argentina, Chile, etc.....amazing cheap cheap steakhouses and great wines!

2:17 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

I´m not quite ready to settle down yet, but I´m sure that bunkbeds and communal washrooms will eventually start to wear me out. And don´t forget that even though some of the places look a little dingy, they are always in safe areas of town, and are well secured. I wish I could be there for the election.....why couldn´t they have called it 3 months ago when they were supposed to???? Be sure to keep me filled in on everything. And Tara, send some pics of the headquarters and stuff if you can.

2:23 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

By the way, I made it to Canoa, and I am staying at CocoLoco, which is actually a super nice place right on the beach. Weather is a little cloudy today, but still nice and warm. Only one spot with internet here though, so won´t be able to access the internet phone thingy. Will probably hang around here for a few days.

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No, Kerry's guy is an "old friend"--apparently they've known each other for quite some time but never wanted to "risk the friendship." Guess they're going for broke now! He seems very sweet and able to defuse her moments of madness. Very romantic dude--surprised her with a trip to Ireland then proposed on bended knee amidst flowers & candles at Bono's hotel (she's a U2 fan). Now you know as much as I know...

Mmm...Buenos Aires. La Boca, San Telmo, La Recoleta, vino,'re going to love it. I remember when I was there I couldn't get over how attractive EVERYONE was--men, women, children, goats...OK, not the last bit. FYI people there are snazzy dressers. Better pick up a llama fur tiara somewhere enroute....

I'm crushed because I just got word I can't do any of the 3 press trips I've been offered in Sept. Grrrrrrr....more vicarious travelling through you, amigo, so the pressure's on!

10:15 AM  

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