Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Semuc Champey

Could be the nicest place that I´ve been yet. Hopefully the pics will show that. Twas a little bit difficult to get to. We drove for a couple of hours north of Coban (nearest decent sized town) through winding mountain roads, and then it was another hour into the jungle on crazy little dirt roads. Scenery was stellar. The jungle has a real deep vegetative smell.....especially when it gets hot. We got in late our first night, and just hit the sack.

Description of a first day in Semuc Champey:
Woke up in the morning and headed for the natural pools that we had heard about. First thing that we got to see is where the river went underground. The power was amazing......incredibly loud too. This massive river just all of the sudden disappeared. The little water that did make it by though, trickled into these amazing torquoise pools. They were unbelievable. It really looked like something out of a fairy tale. We ended up hanging out there for the whole morning, until about 2:00.

Then at 3, we headed for the caves to check out the underground river. The caves were awesome, but definitely not for the faint at heart. We were given candles to use as lights. When we first entered, the water was freezing, and the bats were flipping around in full force. Ha!! It was pretty funny. And then, things got tight. There were literally points where the roof of the cave was only a foot and a half above the water level. We also had to do about a 30m swim...........holding the candle above the water!! We then got to crawl through a crack about 2 feet tall, and ended up at an underground waterfall, about 10 feet high. You usually can crawl up the waterfall, but the water levels are too high right now due to excessive rains (a couple of girls in the group after us got hurt). We also got to find spots where we could jump off a ledge into the water. Whole trip took about an hour and a half.

After the caves, we hiked up to the lookout point, and then it was time for the tubes. The sun was out in full force which was awesome (since we were freezing from the caves). Got to do about a 2 km tube ride down the river, right through the middle of the jungle. The tube ride ended at our hostel, where they had beers waiting for us.

Not too bad of a day, eh! Guatemala is awesome......pretty much on par with Nicaragua. Unfortunately, you can´t get pics of the caves, because it would wreck your cameras. I got lots of pics of the river and the pools though. We spent another day at the pools, and then we also got to do some bridge jumping (probably just under 20 feet). Was pretty stellar. Hostel that we stayed at was pretty cool......little crammed in the loft that we slept in, but the place had one of those old showers that you had to pull the rope to use. The menu options were pretty simple: yes or you want dinner or not?

Went to check out Tikal yesterday....supposed to be the nicest Mayan Ruins in Central America. Was pretty impressive. Couldn´t believe how much there was. We had busted our ass to find a guy that could get us into the park before it opened so that we could catch the sunrise from the top of the highest temple (3:00 start time, not bad eh Dad). Unfortunately the sun was covered by clouds. Was cool to listen to the jungle waking up.

Anyway, in a place called Finca Ixobel now (close to Poptun). Cool little farm type of place with amazing homecooked food. Will probably be here for a few days.....then may start heading for the Bay Islands in Honduras. Here´s the website for the place:

Here are some pics. And oh yeah, I added some pics to the Antigua ones, just of my home stay and my spanish school. Will have to post the pics of the ruins later.

Bye for now.


PS Heading to Bay Islands. Going through Rio Dulce, Puerta Barrios through border to Puerto Cortes, San Pedro Sula, and on to La Ceiba. Then its a ferry to the island of Utila. Will probably take a couple of days, so going to see how far we can get today (still travelling with my Aussie buddy Ross). Hoping to make it to the islands for the B day baby!!.

Made it to La Ceiba. Has been a painful couple days of travelling. Didn´t make it to the islands yet, as the locals were smart enough to only have one ferry per day, thereby guaranteeing that we have to stay another night (those Hondurans are sooo smart). You can probably sense my cynicism after a few long days on the bus. Looking forward to getting to the bay islands in the morning. Going to head to Utila.....supposed to be the fun backpacker island. Need to grab a bite to eat, and to sleep. My back is killing me from all the shitty buses. Bound for the beach baby!!!

Bye for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I officially hate you! You have purposely designed a website to create envy, jealousy and question why we are all doing what we do. You are still very tall and not as skinny. Those pics are awesome, you are still gay. Can i please give you a word of advise, dont tell your parents on here exactly what you are doing!! add some sugar..tell them some things and always add you are with a group of christian travelers and you are reading alot and staying Sober and met a girl named Mary who is a doctor and is now your full time travelling christian and i hate you

11:32 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable! So beautiful! You look like Greg in a couple of the pics; especially the one when you are jumping into the pool- closer up. I love the pools of water…something out of a movie for sure. I like the pic of you holding your arm out in front of you….wishful thinking perhaps!!!! The caves sound a bit scary…I guess you know you are not claustrophobic. I forgot how cold the caves were and how glad we were to be finished to get some warmth.

Too funny Aldy. I was thinking the same thing ...kind of. While reading about his adventures, I was thinking about how Mom and Dad felt knowing he was doing all those things!!! But I think we all know Ry is gonna do what he is gonna do and we just have to hope that it all works out in the end!! Right Ry!

10:31 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Ahhhh, Mom and Dad, I am ah, with a travelling christian group.....and a woman named Mary. Ah, and haven't touched a drink in 3 weeks.....

Heidi, I noticed that too (nicest place eveeeeeer!!!!). I'm trying to switch it up on the words as much as possible. Note that the coolest place, is different from the 'nicest place'. Ha.

No need to worry, all these things are perfectly safe.

I'm now heading for the Bay Islands, via Rio Dulce, and crossing by Barrios (on the East side). Will probably take a couple of days of travelling. Thinking of going to the island of Utilia.

2:35 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Ahhhh, Mom and Dad, I am ah, with a travelling christian group.....and a woman named Mary. Ah, and haven't touched a drink in 3 weeks.....

Heidi, I noticed that too (nicest place eveeeeeer!!!!). I'm trying to switch it up on the words as much as possible. Note that the coolest place, is different from the 'nicest place'. Ha.

No need to worry, all these things are perfectly safe.

I'm now heading for the Bay Islands, via Rio Dulce, and crossing by Barrios (on the East side). Will probably take a couple of days of travelling. Thinking of going to the island of Utilia.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

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2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never thought I'd say this in my life... but i think I agree with Aldy...

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ryan. How old are you anyway. Sounds like a great trp. Don't do anything too foolish. You have the same clothes on in every picture. Is that your guitar case in the pictures. You never mention it anymore or did you get rid of it. We just came down from the cottage late last night. Weather is hot and humid. The place is looking good. Keep in touch. Dad

7:29 AM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY!! We are all thinking of you. Love ya

8:24 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Ha! Dad, I am 29 going on 20. All the maturity that I got from being at the bank is now gone. And the reason why I have the same clothes on in every pic, is because I only have 5 shirts....of which 2 of them are for when I´m sweating my ass off on the chicken buses. I wear lots of deordorant though....and I try to hang out with people who smell worse than I do.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes all. I did indeed make it to the islands, and they are everything that I was hoping for. Weather has been scorching, which is nice after having a few days of rain last week. Have been getting lots of time in on hammocks and playing lots of guitar. Nice to be back at the beach!!!

9:05 PM  

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