Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Wow, what a party town. I´ll have to say, that the Bearded Monkey hostel was everything that we hoped it was going to be. I have tons of pics, but unfortunately, the majority of them were taken in bars.

Granada is actually supposed to be the nicest town in Nicaragua.....very colonial. It used to be the capital of the country, but it has quite the history. It was actually burned down by an American (William Walker anyone) over a 100 years ago, but lots of it survived. (Nicaragua has been plagued by US intervention for most of its recent history.....the states wanted it for moving goods between the 2 Oceans. There are still anti Reagan signs around). Pretty cool markets here, but I still havent found a decent cheap guitar. The vendors are looking for 130 bucks.....basically 3 months salary for them. My spanish still isn´t good enough to negotiate yet (Eso es muey caro amigo!!!!)

I showed up here with 6 of us from Isla de Ometepe (Nick, Ross, Amanda, Cecilia, Sandra). We then hooked up with 4 or 5 others that we had met in Costa Rica, along with the Cdn contingent (the girls from Alberta). Translation- I partied 4 nights straight. We have been buying the local rum (Flor de Cana) by the bottle. The 2nd night a full force ice war broke out in the bar (jamming ice down each other shirts-pants). Not high on the maturity scale, but damn, I forgot how fun it could be. AND, just as the owner was giving us the warning about being kicked out, the waiter brought the next bucket of ice. The pics are classic. Nick actually delivered an atomic wedgee on one of the girls (Greg, I think you can explain what that is).

I´m getting too old for 4 nights straight though. I have now been to bed at 10.00 two nights straight. Drinking lots of water. AND, taking 1 hour siestas.

Nick wanted us to buy him a gift at the market, so Cecilia and I found a deck of naked women playing cards. Well, they turned out to be a lot more hardcore than I expected. We have been playing poker with them......aka. porn poker. No real gambling though......just units of country pride. PS - the Irish have no pride.

I bought a CD at the market that reminded me of listening to the radio when I was´s greatest hits. Lots of Kenny Rogers, Glen Campbell, and a little ´Playing with the Queen of hearts¨. Was a big hit at the hostel.

Greg, I rolled out your quarter quarter dollar joke. It was a big hit. The power was out and we were all sitting around the bar with candles....was the perfect time.

We all watched Old School and Team America yesterday. A bunch of the crew hadn´t seen Team America before, so you could imagine the laughs. Unfortunately it was the rated version, so they didn´t get the best part.

We went to another crazy place called the Monkey Hut (same owner). It was amazing. It is a cottage like place on a giant crater lake (natural spring lake in the crater of an old volcanoe......20 million years kind of old). The water is so crystal clear, that you can open your eyes underwater. The scenery was stellar. We spent the afternoon lounging in hammocks, jumping off docks, and paddling around in tubes and kayaks. Tough life I tell you. Amanda took a stellar pic of us jumping off the dock and mooning the camera. The girl working there said she wanted a copy for the website.

Anyway, I´m now in Leon staying at a hostel called Big Foot. Plan was to head for the Pacific to go surfing for the afternoon, but the old back has been a little cranky, so I may be just left watching from the shore.

Talk to you later.



Blogger Baby on my mind said...

You're a funny guy Ry!!! Perhaps you should be a freelance writer when/if you come back.

Your time would be better spent putting some of that ice on your back instead of jamming it down someone's pants...although I'll have to admit...the ice war sounds like it was a lot of fun. Wonder if the people at my office would be up for one!! Eveyone needs a bit of immaturity in their lives; I don't care how old you are.

Well... cheers to porn poker and ice wars.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I'm not getting any of the pictures I requested - just send those poker cards you found!! I'll make sure you are old enough to play with them.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Colin, the cards are in the mail. Please note that I do not condone any of the acts that are taking place on these cards.

6:16 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

No need to worry JillyWilly. I'll be back in the prison camps soon, and then I'll be sure to remember. And miss Kimi, if I'm only as old as I feel, well, that means that I'm well in to my Baby Boomer years.....and that's only when the back is feeling healthy!

6:20 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

I highly recommend the ice fights. A lot of fun. A couple bottles of rum is a good for the pre-game.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

We have indeed had some good 2 week Christmas stints. I think that's why I can't do these consecutive nights anymore! I've now been in bed by 10 or 11 for the past 3 nights, and have been taking 2 hour naps on the buses. Have finally arrived in Antigua though, and we just got invited to a party tonight, so we'll see how it goes. Ha!

6:24 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

ryan go steal my pictures of lago de apoyo from facebook!! the of you nick and matt's arses is on there for sure. its always thrilling to get a shout-out in someone's blog. you forgot about the most amazing pizza they made at zopilote, walking to the finca to watch the soccer game *the longest walk ever recorded*, listening to music and drinking flor de cana all night on the porch of the good. OH and that kid who worked there peeing on the little hippie girl in grenada.

11:09 AM  

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