Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Back in civilization.

As I said before, Nicaragua is awesome. It is exactly what I was picturing when I planned this trip. People are super nice (locals are called Nicos), culture is authentic, food is great, scenery is stellar, and there is a solid backpacking curcuit. So far, the weather has been fantastic. It would be pretty tough travelling during the dry season with the crazy heat. Temperature now is perfect and everything is super lush and green. Nicaragua used to be pretty unstable about 10 years ago, but now it is being built up everywhere. The auzzie was telling us the land values have gone up 10 fold over the past 5 years. Century 21 is all over this place, and they have actually starting buying up a lot of it.

The first night I stayed in a town called San Juan. Hostel was a little rough.....well, on me anyway. It was my first real dose of poor living conditions. Basically a dumpy garage, literally on the side of the road. My head was practically hanging out on to the street, separated by a couple of steel bars (a parade actually went by, about 7 feet from my head....good view I guess). During the night, the guy in the bunk below me rolled over and I jumped up thinking that somebody was reaching through the bars and shaking my bed. Definitely an adjustment. Also, you have to become one with the bugs, or else sleep becomes even more of a rarity.

Next day we heard about a beach about a half hour away, called Majagual. It was stellar. Basically a hostel with its own private exotic beach. Living conditions were a step down from the previous hostel though. Set a record though for the largest dorm that I´ve ever been in......32 beds. And, I wouldn´t call it a dorm........more like a prison camp. I actually spent one night with water dripping on my forehead. The place was damn cool though. Cool swinging chairs, awesome sunsets, and some pretty good surf. I cant get over how giant the waves are here. We actually couldn´t go surfing for a couple of days, because they were too crazy. Got to watch some awesome surfers though. We actually had a cool night there where a few Spánish dudes put on a show with some latin music. Hostel was owned by a cool Auzzie guy named Paul. Got to play cards and hang out with the local Nico dudes working there.

Nico Time
This Nico time thing is pretty definitely have to adjust. It is pretty much pointless to be on any kind of schedule. For the ride back to town, we were told that 2Can the truck was leaving at 5 (it was me, the Irishman, and an Aussie looking to get the lift). Five turned to 6, then 7.30, then another 20 minutes. We finally left at 9, after sitting around for 4 hours (cars can´t handle these roads). Then, about half way through the ride back, the truck stops and turns around! I asked my buddy what the hell was going on and he said that they had decided to go for a beer! Ha (after waiting 4 hours.....I guess why not). We ended up hitting this hole in the wall bar on the side of the road, and pounded beers with the owner of the hostel, and all the Nico workers that we had met when we were there. It ended up turning into a pub crawl. One of the spots we hit actually had a windows, doors, or flooring, but a giant jukebox! I threw on some Paradise City from Guns n Roses and the Nicos loved it.

The funniest part is, is that by the time that actually got us into the nearest town, it was about midnight and all the hostels were closed for the night! We actually had to go all the way back to Majagual with them!!! Ha (impossible to leave). That of course, after hitting a few more bars. Was probably the highlight of the trip so far. Me the Irishman and the Aussie have been travelling together ever since.

Isla de Ometepe
Super awesome spot. Its an island with 2 twin volcanoes on of them still being active. My love of mountains has now expanded to volcanoes. They are the coolest things. I got a stellar pic of the sun setting behind one of them. The locals put a cross at the top of one of the volcanoes in Nicaragua as they had thought that it was the gateway to hell.........a look at this picture and you can see why.

The first night, I stayed at a resort at Chaco Verde. Felt amazing to get a shower and a nice meal after my 2 day pub crawl. The lake is giant (10th largest fresh water lake in the world) and the beaches are wicked. Everything just runs free here......chickens, pigs, horses, dogs, monkeys. I then moved on to a plantation that accepts backpackers. Super cool spot called by hippies. Everything was organic. By this time there was a group of 7 of us who had met on the ferry. They were happy to see us, because it meant that they could fire of the stone oven and do a pizza night. We didn´t have power in the it was all by candlelight. Kind of felt like summer camp or something. Beds were shit though, so I didn´t get much for sleep. And yes, I got to experience my first outhouse of the trip. Strangely enough, it was actually much nicer than most of the washrooms that I´ve had the pleasure of using.

We did a guessing game about each others ages (there was about 10 of us in total staying at the plantation). They decided that I was 23!! Ha! It ended up that I was the oldest at 28. The Aussie asked me what the midlife crisis was like.

If I ever end up owning a farm, the first thing I´ll do is lay a beating on all the rosters, and train them to shut the hell up in the morning. The howler monkeys are little bastards as well. They sound like giant apes. Pretty eerie actually.

Have learned to play the international backpackers card game.......its called shithead. Its pretty cool, because it transcends language........and pretty much everyone knows how to play it. Given my lack of Spanish, its nice to be able to interact, although, I must admit that I´m becoming somewhat of a master at sharades.

Got to do laundry yesterday.....thank God. Showers were becoming pointless, given that my towel smelled so bad.

Anyway, my pictures have now uploaded, so I´m out of here. Happy hour just started.

Updates are a little tougher when I´m going through the more rural areas, but keep checking in as I can update when I hit the ¨cities¨. Loving all the comments. I´ve been showing some of my travelling friends the blog and they can´t get over it......especially that there was even another MLA who posted a comment!

Here are the pics. Note that I have posted the rest of the Tamarindo pics on the previous post.

Talk to you soon.



Blogger Adelicious said...

Sorry - I should have told you about shithead... totally slipped my mind!

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan, saw your car today up on the parking lot Looks good. Thor said he just got it back from the body shoppe. Tor and I were looking for one of those 50 inch Tv's if I could only make up my mind on the size. The legislature closed on Thursday so I am back home working again, thank God. Talk to you soon. Dad

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan,
I've been reading your blog, but haven't had anything useful to say, other than that i'm extremely jealous. It looks like you're having an amazing time.
I especially like the glamour shot of you on the beach at sunset. Sultry.
Anyways, keep having fun and sharing all the craziness.

12:26 AM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

I am so proud of you are no longer shy about showing your slim body!! I think you are truly growing as a person!!! Amazing what 25 days free of TO will do! LOL

Love the pics...amazing. You're right, that hostel certainly does look like a prison camp! I think I would be calling daddy for a plane ticket home.

Nice talking to you the other night at the cottage. Mom and I said that you sound so "happy"...also nice to hear. As dad mentioned, your car is on Thor's lot all shiny looking and I couldn't help but feel sad that it was your car being were so excited about that car! Anyhow, loved the pics...beautiful sunrises. Keep them coming! Love ya.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snoop digity daaaaaaaawwwwwg!
Saw your mom and dad tonight on the SJ waterfront walking...looking good. I tell ya, if i did'nt respect your dad, id be hitting on your mom!!LOL..(just kidding eeeeeasy!)

Awesome pics, looks like your are doing a few push ups b4, nice work...deadly pics though, refreshing to see, im with you all the way, feels like im there when you are writing!!

Its not a race!

12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ry,
I can't remember my original name etc. But this is from your Auntie Marion anyway.
Sounds like you're having a ball. I would love to have the guts to do what you're doing, but I don't think I could handle the liquor or stay awake long enough to make it worthwhile. It's fun reading your stories, you always did have a sense of humour. All is well here. Philip is home on the 22nd for 3 weeks and I'm off as well, so we're both looking forward to that. Heidi & family are doing OK, but both kids have had scarlet fever, so that's getting them down. Not much sleep. Sime is doing well, he and Trish are discussing their next move from Whistler and "shacking" up together, so I smell a "committment" of sorts there. Plus they are getting a dog, a labradoodle. We'll miss you at the reunion but Phyllis will fill us in on your escapades I'm sure. Be careful and stay safe. Love ya

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude - those pics are incredible... very jealous. To ruin some of your fun for a moment, the Bs traded Nick Boynton to Phoenix for Mara. If I listen hard enough, I can probably hear you screaming...

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan...
It's so great to read your blog--you write well, and damn! You make me laugh. Miss laughing with you (and now I'm not even laughing NEAR you). Can't wait to hear about the next escapades. Though I'm praying nightly for the roosters and
Pics are great, especially those sunsets. You're building a great portfolio. And hey! Awesome to see my namesake getting kicked around on the 'street' in some dusty village. Glad to see it made the trip and is providing some enjoyment. And U were so skeptical! Bet you're pretty good now with Le Sac.
In my world, spent 2 days 'for work' (I swear!) enjoying 5-star food and vino in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Man, it's amazing there--no need to head to Napa.
And--wait for it--bought new inline skates. Goofy colour but man, am I fast now! And just as good--bought my own drill today. I own a power tool! Meow! Makes a girl...well....U know...
Just got home tonight from seeing "An Inconvenient Truth" with my friend James. Awesome doc by Al Gore about global warming, inspiring us all to help turn it around (if we don't, man, there'll soon be a lot more beaches worldwide but we'll all be too fried from sunburn to use them).
Keep up the good adventuring...Kate

12:10 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Dad, I think that it is perfect timing for that new TV. Just make sure that it has a good speaker system, so that you and Mom can hear it. I feel sorry for the old TV, having crank out the 57 volume level everynight (I watch it at about 24). Good to hear that the Legislature is closed for the season. Mom said that you are now the critic for Econ Development....I´m sure you´re a little familiar with that!! Ha. Who is the conservative guy on that.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Adele, that´s cool, thankfully it only took 10 minutes to learn!

9:43 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Thanks for checking in Ms. Becca. I was hoping that it would be the superman shot that would get you hot.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Thanks Tare!
That will be the last time that I´ll be wearing any skin tight baby blue shirts though. Ha!! It was awesome being able to talk to everyone the other night. Phone connection was pretty decent too!

And yes, I miss the old car. It would be considered a luxury vehicle down here. All the cabbies drive these old beaten down 89 Tercels. They´ll still take 8 passengers though.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Eeeeeesay!!! Good to hear from you bro. Don´t forget though, Susan still has my cell number!

Granada was party central. Probably even a few steps up from when you met me in Spain. Let me know when your vacation is coming up and I will arrange the whole trip for you.

9:53 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Auntie Marion,
Well, I have to say, that this is probably the first time since I was younger that I´ve felt like sitting the other way on the shitter again. Some of these toilets are pretty scary. Definitely was an adjustment having to use an outhouse again too. Good to hear that all is well!

9:56 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

You´re msg just invoked a few F bombs.....thankfully no one else here speaks english.

Can somebody please take a baseball bat and fly to boston. If they wrote a book about the Bruins ownership`managment it would have to be fiction, because nobody would believe it was that bad. Bye bye star in TO.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Good to hear that all is well. And yes, I think that we´re already half way there with the beach thing. I´m still struggling with the sun.....takes about 15 mins down here. SPF45 is a joke.

The Yorga was a big hit, but there wasn´t a lot of skill displayed. We tried to get some of the local kids to join in, but I think they felt sorry for us.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Nice to hear that you´re going camping. I´m sure Chris will find a few opportunties to bitch about his gay swiss army knife that he lost. He has now managed to blame all other members of our camping crew that wkd.

As for el bano, the good news is is that you´ll probably be constipated for most of it, say you may not have to dig any holes. But if you do, stay away from the fresh soil!

10:06 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Sookhoo-Hump-Dooger Sr.
Re- the pee in the puddle. Ha!! I´m gonna have to go with Dooger Sr. on this one!!

10:13 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Thanks for the posts Heid....good to see that others can get some entertainment value out of this as well! And YES, sometimes I do feel like yelling out ´Why doesn´t anyone speak English¨. Thankfully the locals are super friendly and pretty patient.

10:16 AM  

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