Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Heading to Nicaragua

Have been sick for the past day. These aren't the most pleasant washrooms to throw up in either, as you've heard from my previous posts. And no, it wasn't from the booze. I think that it was some kind of bug or food poisoning. Starting to feel a little better today though, and have managed to keep lunch down. Was trying to find somebody to play with my hair today on the couch but didn't have any luck. I just went down and caught the sunset though, and had a quick swim in the ocean, so this is the best I've felt all day.

B/f getting sick though, I managed to pull off watching the hockey game at the hostel. I started spreading the word a couple of days ago, and had gathered 14 Cdns by the end of it.....a few were from Edmonton. Too bad they lost, but was a blast regardless. The folks from the other countries got a little shock when they got to see what its like to watch hockey with a bunch of Cdns. I have been catching lots of the World Cup soccer, which is cool b/c there are usually people from those countries watching. Starting to understand it a little more, but still a little shady on a) the referees miss most calls, b. the players get kicked in the shin and look like they're dying from flesh eating disease, and c. the losing team doesn't seem all that interested in tying the contest up near the end of the games......maybe its b/c nobody actually knows when the games actually are going to end. Aside from that, I think that I'm ready to start gambling on the sport. I still think that it is miraculus that the favoured teams actually win, given that the best team in the world still only beats the shittiest team 1 - 0. Sookhoo, congrats on the Trinny tie.....I didn't know that that was your first World Cup.

I learned a new word in Spanish yesterday.......mañ means 'tomorrow'. It was about 3 days too late though. I had been saying bañano......which basically means that when I was leaving the surf shop each day, I was saying 'banana', as opposed to 'Tomorrow!'. No wonder the guy was giving me funny looks.

Maybe he thought I was hungry from surfing all day, and that I was going to get a banana.

Anyway, me and an Irishman named Nick are heading for Nicaragua in the morning. Planning on going to San Juan del Sur. There is a hostel there called something de Oso....which we're hoping isn't full.

Will report in when I get established.

Bye for now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buenas dias, amigo. Como este?

Quelle drag about being sick. Hopefully you've now "been there, done that". If U get raged on again, FYI ginger (tea--make sure H20 is pure!--or gnaw on fresh ginger root) is good to stop the upchuck or blow below; or eating fresh raw garlic cloves will help with parasites or viral/bacterial bad guys. For the hair thing you're unfortunately on your own...(isn't there some kind of "be nurturing to upchucking internationals rule" posted in those hostels????)

Reading the newspaper this morning about Cengral America's oldest church, La Iglesia de San Francisco, located somewhere in the old colonial part of Granada city--in Nicaragua. Might be worth checking out--if not to say a few prayers for perfect health for the remainder of your trip!

Big hug to you...

10:14 AM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Read parts of this post to the girls at work and had a few good laughs! Could so picture you looking for someone to play with your hair...and not being shy about it at all. Can't believe with your negotiating skills that you weren't able to convince a local that it would be beneficial to THEM to play with your hair!!

Just one comment regarding people being shocked when watching hockey with Canadians...I don't think that it's watching Hockey with Canadians that was so's watching Hockey with you!!! You act like you are part owner of the teams ...more scary than shocking really. (Just a little self awareness moment)

Glad to hear you are feeling better.

10:26 AM  

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