Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


In Tamarindo now. Getting used to the budget thing too. I had the option of getting here by jeep for $35, but instead used the public buses (10 hours) for $10. Ha!

This is a super cool beach town, considered to be the 'surf mecca' of Costa Rica. Crazy touristy, but I just got done watching the sunset on a stellar surf beach, while kicking back on a lawn chair having a beer (most expensive beer that I've bought since getting here.....$1.75). Needless to say, I may be sticking around here for a little bit. Found a nice's a little pricey at $12/night, but hey, I'm still in vacation mode.

Travelling with a buddy from Spain (nickname Fes b/c of the way he talks). I have been teaching him English ("Don't be shy, show me your boobs"). We are heading out surfing in the morning, so its going to be an early night tonight.

Had an awesome time in La Fortuna. Spend another afternoon at the tarzan rope swimming hole, and got some good pics. Will get them posted at some point. Last night, we hung out in the natural hot springs in the rain forest.

NOTE: Mom and Dad, don't panick here. The Arenal volcano thing was actually way more amazing than what I thought is was going to be. The Humanitarian Early Warning Systerm now has the mountain coded as Orange Alert, which is one step down from the worst (code Red). It has now erupted twice in the past few days....and we actually witnessed the 2nd one!! It was one of the craziest things that I have ever seen. We saw the lava spray into the air, and then there was a giant boom that made us all jump back. After that, the volcano got covered in to bottom. I've never seen anything like it. The rumbling on the rocks pouring down the side of the volcano was eerie. The road is now lined with cars watching it. Here's the website.

I have been working on my Spanish skills. They are coming along, slowly but surely (Como si dice hungry en espanol). Met some people from Quebec on the bus. I tried to bring French into the mix, but it quickly turned into a disaster. I cruised through a few towns today that didn't have any English, so it was some good practise for me.

Think that I may head to Nicaragua next week to go do a home stay with a family and to go to Spanish School for a week. The families only speak Spanish, so you don't have much choice. Ha.

The only internet that I've been able to find is a little $$$, so I may not have that much access here. Will try to find something better.

Anyway, I'm going home to watch some TV at the hostel and hit the sack. Thanks for the all the comments, love reading them.



Blogger Baby on my mind said...

You mean Thor doesn't know where a certain geographic location is..he's losing his touch!!! Not that I have even heard of Tamarindo let alone know where it is!!! (o; What are you planning on doing there?

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sat down earlier with a nice glass of wine for you but your "blogger" was down. :) Hope you're doing well and waiting to hear about Tamarindo. love mom

9:48 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Dirt, it actually may be listed as Playa Tamarindo, located right on the Pacific side about half way up the coast b/w Jaco and Nicargua. If you find it, try to show the Fam where it is. Note to Fam, Playa means beach.

10:57 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Mom, thanks for the comment. Nice to see you back on the computer! That sucks that the Blog was down. Keep having those glasses of wine for me though....I had a couple last night myself! We had a midnight pool party at the hostel after dinner (the hostels here have kitchens). Ha. Hopefully you are hanging in there, now that all your shows are done. I thought of you earlier....I just watched half an episode of 'House' at the hostel, with Spanish sub text of course! I've now updated the last post.

Love Ryan

11:23 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Hey Ry! wow, I checked out the volcano from the websire you left...very cool. Do you have "see a volcano erupt" on your list of things to do before you die? If not, you should add it and check it off. Also checked out where you are on the map that Thor directed us to...neat. Hey Heidi, I was wondering who Hickster was!!

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty funny that the volcano in CR is on orange alert and hey! so is Mount St. Helens--who knew? What an amazing experience--must be some kinda cool metaphor for the journey you're on...spewing up burning lava from the inside out...
Your blog is wonderful and I am impressed by the layout and your writing. Thanks for sharing your wonderful wanderings with all of us. It's so easy to get immersed in your own little world here...but then to realize a buddy is halfway (OK, maybe quarter-way at this point) around the world speaking a different language (OK, don't be shy show me your boobs is definitely a need-to-know phrase) and experiencing incredible is good.
FYI this is my first time with a blog--does it show?
Happy Trails, Mac

11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I think this "blogging" thing might be a bit advanced for me. I know it would be for your mother for sure. Ryan, I'm sure you're having a ball. Just make sure you don't sit backwards on any of those hostel toilets, you might get stuck. Ha Ha. Love your Auntie.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm not anonymous, now I know how it works. I'm sure you've figured out who Auntie is with the "toilet" comment.
Love ya

7:48 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Mr. and Mrs E.
Thanks for checking in! I decided yesterday that I would be more diligent in taking pictures, so hopefully you and your work folk will be able to view them. Tara is my local expert that I have stationed there if you have any questions. Ha.

12:10 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Thanks for the post bro. The blog is a pain to figure out, but easy once you get going. I'm still trying to adjust to the travel mode though to tell you the truth. They say it takes 2 weeks, I'm about a day away from it!

12:14 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...


Trust me, there are definitely times when I feel that way. Spanish is a bitch to understand....they speak it so fast. I'm getting pretty good at playing sharades though. Ha.

PS - How do you spell sharades????

12:17 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...


I don't know if my mouth is big enough.....I need your b/'f's big trap for that one.

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great pics! Are you that wet noodle swinging from that Tarzan-like rope? Glad to see you are having a blast!


10:55 AM  

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