Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Arrived in Nicaragua

Surrived my first border crossing. Was a little nerve wracking to tell you the truth. Travelling with a group of 5 though, with a couple of them being fluent in Spanish. After making it through, we rented a cab who let us throw on some Foo Fighters for the trip in. One of the highlights of the trip so far. Got to see Isla something Empe island............2 twin volcanoes on an island. Pretty amazing site.

San Juan is a cool chilled out little town on the water. Nice little spot, and no hustle and bustle.......or Burger Kings. The hostel I stayed in last night was probably the most run down place I´ve ever slept in. Basically creaky old bunkbeds stored in a shitty garage on the side of the road. Ha. First night that I actually had trouble adjusting from the old lifestyle. Dad, it is safe to say that I´m no longer living the highlife as far as hostels go. Not to worry though, town is super friendly and super safe. The locals definitely have an open door policy, being that most of them don´t actually have doors.

Anyway, we´re leaving here and heading for Managua........I think its called that. Supposed to be a chilled out beach about a hour away from here. The hostel there is supposed to be a little nicer.

Stomach is still in constant pain. Have managed to keep the food down though, which is good. No fever or anything either.......just stomach pain. Hoping that it goes away soon.

Katey and your messages, but I won´t be able to respond until I find a better computer. Tara, I saw that you sent pics, but I can´t view them here.

Can´t believe that the Oilers won last night. They are making me lose my pool (those damn Carolina players keep getting more points).

Anyway, will update this post once I find a better connection.



Blogger Baby on my mind said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:20 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Hey Ry! Sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well...perhaps you just have to get used to the bug and you won't have to deal with it again...there was a reason why my coach never let us drink the water, eat salads etc. when we were travelling!

The two deleted comments were from mom and I...we were testing it as Mom was having some technical it figured out and I see that she left you a message. You should be very proud of her...takes her a long time to write and check your posts but she does it faithfully. Gave her a new diplay name as she couldn't remember her pw for the last one! tee hee.

Glad you are safe and across the careful!! Wish you could see the pics...Kate, Ky and Jack made a sign for you and I took a picture of it...very cute.

Talk with you soon. Love ya.

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,

never mind the stomach thing. take greg's advice, everywhere i have ever travelled i get sick from the adjustments to climate and food...only bottled water, you know the story not even ice cubes! Cool that you are meeting good people to travel and learning new languages. Your blog is a great idea, i dont always have time to leave a message but i do read it...big tourneys coming up, accepted saudi offer..

9:55 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

IF YOU ARE NEW TO THE SITE AND WANT TO LEAVE A MESSAGE>>>HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: go to "Sign up here" and fill out the first page with username, password, display name, email address etc, agree to terms by clicking in the box and hit continue. Do not fill out the next page unless you want to start your own blog site... go back to the "leave your comment" section and select blogger then enter your username and password and your message. Each time you want to leave a message, you will need to enter your username and password and select blogger so that your display name comes up.

There. I hope that helps those of you who were having difficulty. I spent an hour on the phone with mom helping her and thought I should write it all down should anyone else be having the same problems! Hope you don't mind my take charge attitude Ry...guess you are used to it by now. (another self- awareness moment)

11:34 AM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Ya know you followed my directions you owe me 50 cents.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryno - when you run into aldy (who will invariably get lost on his way to Dubai or Abu Dhabi or wherever he's going) tell 'em I say hi.
Sucks about the stomach pain - hope you're feeling better, I don't post often, but I visit your blog on the regular.
Peace and love

11:22 AM  

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