Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Leon and El Salvador

Have now made it to Guatemala.

After partying it up in Granada for a few days, I decided to start heading towards Guatemala. Ended up going to Leon, and stayed at a hostel called Big Foot. Was a cool is considered to be more liberal than the colonial Granada (the university is there). As I had said before though, I was pretty exhausted from Granada, so I actually packed it in early both nights that I was there. Made it to the beach one day, but didn't get to do any surfing. Still trying to find a decent guitar to buy, but haven't had any luck. The ones here are all garbage, and they're still looking for over 100 bucks. Tried to buy one off a guy at the beach, but he wouldn't sell it to me.

Next day, we caught the Tico bus to Honduras for $25. It is a little more $$$ because it is basically a luxury coach (like a Greyhound), instead of the standard school buses that I've gotten used to. The border crossing is still a little nerve wracking. They have a line up of heavily armed military dudes waiting for you. They clear everyone off, unload all the bags, and then line us up in front of the bags. After that, they go through each pack and question you. As soon as they see the Cdn flag though, they crack a little joke, and then send you through.

We just ended up passing through Honduras, and then into El Salvador. Stayed at a hotel in San Salvador. It is very Americanized......they actually still used the US$ as their currency. It was pretty pricey there too. Had to pay $13 bucks each for the room. It had A/C and a TV though.....AND, most importantly, it had warm showers! I forgot how amazing they feel. I took one of my patented 25 minute showers (I don't care what any of you North Americans take these awesome warm showers for granted! Ha). The funniest part about San Salvador was the amount of armed guards everywhere. Even the Sushi shop next to our hotel had a guy standing outside with a shotgun. Literally every single store on our road had an armed guard. We actually also saw some crazy looking dude with a machine gun walk out into the middle of the road, because he was protecting the people that were pulling out of their driveway in a Benz.

Made it to Guatemala the next day. Guatemala city was even more Americanized than most American cities......if that makes any sense. Just watched the soccer game there, and then jumped on a heavily overcrowded school bus to Antigua. They literally fit 3 to a seat, with people standing. It is quite the experience. Some of the buses actually still have the school rules listed (no standing up when the bus is moving).

Made my next major translation/pronounciation error the other day. After coming out of the bar, I was starving and was looking for something to eat. I wanted to tell the cabbie that I was hungry (tengo hambre), but instead I pronounced it as 'tango hombre', which basically is like saying I wanted to tango with a man. These spanish folk are so damn picky with their pronounciations. The little French that I know is more of a hinderence than a help. I think the cabbie got the point though when I started making the gesture of eating my hand.

Have been watching lots of world cup. Starting to really get into the games. Actually got nervous today watching the England/Portugal game, when it went to penalty kicks.

Back is doing OK. Good days and bad. The beds here are pretty good, but once again, they are about 2 inches too short for me. On average, I crank my head here about 2 to 3 times a day. I think that I'm starting to get numb to it.

Anyway, in Antigua now. Probably the coolest little town that I've been to since I got to Central America. Guatemala in general is good and cheap as well.....probably on par with Nicaragua. Will probably be hanging out here for a little while. Staying at the Black Cat hostel. Cool spot.

I'll check in soon. Bye for now.



Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Hmmm, you sound tired!!! Things will settle down a bit I am sure when you get it to the routine of travelling. Partying wears you down bro! And just because they think you look 23, you're not...will actually be 29 this month don't forget!!!

Glad that you are still travelling with Nick and in numbers I hope. Looking forward to hearing more about El Salvador.

8:57 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Yes, 29 indeed! Actually, is today Canada Day????? I think that I'm going to have to go find some Cdns tonight! Haven't met any since I got here though.....which is actually kind of refreshing.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Greg, you sound like the Irishman and Aussie that I'm travelling with. Those guys don't know how to sit still without a beer in their hand. As for the card game, maybe I can forward them on to the reunion. I'm sure that the Coady clan would love them!

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God for those little Canadian flags. Don't leave home without them. Sorry you are going to miss the Coady reunion - I'm sure Thor & Greg could have used another guitar player to make up the "Three Amigos" party players band. Terrific entertainment - looking forward to it again this year. Now that I think about it, Greg was for moral support only - wasn't he? Things are always a little blurry after those get togethers. We'll all have a toast to your safe return. Have fun, think smart and watch for the signs!

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan, it is Sunday morning the day after Canada Day. Your mother is gone to work and I am making pancakes for breakfast. It is raining heavy. Tara and Thor are at the cottage with some friends. Greg was their with the kids yesterday. Cottage is looking good with the new docks and the boat. I am still working on the new part of the lawn. The guys I hired have not shown up in 9 weeks. Very reliable people. I am going to do the job myself this week. Slow down the partying and enjoy life. What is Leon and El Salvador like. Where are you heading. You seem to be chris crossing countries. What is the next country.


9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan...Happy Canada Day (belated). I'm sure you're paving the way for Canadians everywhere across Central America (please ensure you're paving it in a way Canadians don't automatically get tossed in the clink when they appear! LOL)
Re: the tiredness. Remember, you have another 10 months or so on the open road ahead of you: maybe it's time to begin PACING yourself. You know, maybe 1-2 beer per night instead of 10. Let the high of travel, new places and adventures be your buzz :-)
Very sultry here today (I mean BESIDES me looking in the mirror). Lots of big storms lately. Tornado in Buffalo a few days ago. Those big waves you had in Nicauragua were from an earthquake in Indonesia ('tis true). Crazy times in the weather dept., so keep one eye to the sky (while you've got the other eye on those cards...dying of curiosity to see them...hey, my birthday is in March LOL).......K

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking

9:39 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Greg had his own special instrument.....I think it would fall under the Wind Instrument family, but we'd have to ask Karonanne to be sure.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

KyGuy the FryGuy!!
One of my top 2 favorite nephews of all time!! Well, if falling face first off the top of a wave is a trick, then I'm about as cool as cool gets. Water isn't quite as warm as a hot tub, but it beats the ice cold shower that I had this morning. As for guitars, all the ones here in Central America are garbage. Will hopefully find a cool one soon. When I do, I'll send you a picture of it.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Miss Kates!!
My favorite niece of all time!! Well, I'm not too tired yet. It's a big world though, so that may change. Thanks for the sign that you Ky, and Jacks made for me. I look at the picture now all the time. Have you gone to Fredericton lately??

10:39 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Yeah, it seems like I'm jumping around alot on the map, but I actually just crossed through the most eastern part of Honduras, which is actually the quickest way of getting to Guatemala. I'm going to stay here for a while, as I'm loving Antigua. I heard about another farm that is just north of here called Finca Ixobel or something. May try to head there next. Try to get Tara to send some pics of the docks etc. if you can. Would like to get progress updates on how the cottage is looking.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Happy Can day as well. I actually managed to find some Cdns to celebrate it with. But yes, pacing is required indeed. Had a nice early night again last night, so I'm feeling quite refreshed today. Off to do a volcano hike. Wish me luck!

10:47 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

If any cards do show up at the reunion, I had nothing to do with it! I'm innocent, don't you know that! It was awesome talking to you last week. I will try to find a phone sometime this week again.

10:48 AM  
Blogger Sam Franke said...

hey ryan, if you have the chance, try to find the book, 'in search of captain zero.' Im sure you wont be able to but you can check out

Ive been reading this book after 'christopher' from it told me about it in costa rica. (yeah, apparently i met the real dude the author is looking for in the book)

anyway, allan travels down the whole of central america until finding his friend in costa rica. it might give you some ideas for cool places to go.

-sam, one of the guys from la fortuna

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ryoon how the hell are you?I sure hope I did this right I feel so stupid on the comp.Anyway I say go for it but keep it You only live once so enjoy while you can.Lou says hi too.Too bad you'll miss the reunion but we'll toss a few back for you.Love ya Monica

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan,
This is your cousin Amanda (Kenny's daughter) writing. And I just received your website from Mom and just started to read. I near died laughing when you said about Greg's "famous" joke. I so remember his doing that whenever he was home last.
Take Care

9:20 PM  

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