Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Friday, July 07, 2006

Antigua, Guatemala

Have been in Antigua now for 6 days. As I said before, it´s probably my most favorite little town that I´ve found so far. Cobblestone streets, super small, nice markets, cool shops, friendly people, and decent nightlife. Lots of travellers around as well. I´ve been staying at a hostel called the Blackcat (, which is a super social spot. Still running into people that I had met from all over, including in Costa Rica over a month ago. Things have been super chill, which has been nice. We have got to watch a lot of World Cup since we got here. There is a place across the street called Cafe2000 that uses its whole back wall to show the games. Place gets packed everytime.....its pretty exciting. Its also a cool place to grab dinner and watch a movie in the evenings. Watched American History X the other.....what a great flick....can´t believe that I didn´t watch it before. Have been hitting up the markets, but its tough to find stuff in Central America. I have been looking for a cool pair of sneakers, but most places don´t have my size. Lots of awesome T shirts here, but I don´t have room in my pack for them. Have to be picky and choosey.

Went on my first Volcano hike a couple of days ago......Volcan Pacaya. It was absolutely amazing. The hike was only 5 hours in total, but I couldn´t believe how awesome it was when we got to the top of the lookout point. Note that Pacaya is still fully active, so you can´t actually climb to the top. The pics don´t do it justice, but it is actually really intimidating looking. This perfectly conical mountain, that is just dark volcanic rock. Some cool views of it on the way, but when we came over the ridge, it was amazing. We got a full view of this gaint lava field. It looks like it was another planet. There actually were these slow moving lava rivers going right through it. AND, the best part about it is that we actually got to walk out into the middle of it!!!! It was unbelievable. We walked to within 5 feet of the lava flows!!! You´ll get to see it in the pictures. It was absolutely amazing. Crazy hot though, so you could only stand there for a second or two. The soles on our shoes actually started to feel like they were melting. It was super eerie to walk across as sounds like it was almost hollow underneath (some parts more than others!). And there were deep cravasses everywhere, where you could actually see the lava flowing underneath you. And the whole time you´re out there, all you here is the crumbling all around you. Was very impressive.

So I finally found a guitar! The price was right too.........$47 for guitar and travel case. Not too shabby compared to the $150 I was thinking that I was going to have to spend. Its not too bad actually either, although it will take a few weeks of playing it to really know how it holds up. It is actually a classical guitar (nylon strings, wider neck) that is a junior size, with a cut out. Thor, you would get a kick out of it! I will get a picture of it shortly, and be sure to post it.

And so today is my last day at the Blackcat hostel. Yes, I´m actually finally starting Spanish school today!!! Ha! I told Mom and Dad yesterday on the phone....I think they were in shock! I´m going to be staying with a family for the week. I got to meet them yesterday.....super nice people. Absolutely no English. Ha! The woman just wanted to make sure that I was going to be there for lunch today! Ha! There are actually a couple of other students that live in the house too though, but hopefully everything will stay Spanish. God knows I need it. Anyway, that´s all for now. Have a bunch of great pics (of the town this time too). Will try to get them posted sometime soon.



Blogger Baby on my mind said...

WOW! Can't wait to see the pictures. Another great experience for sure.

Glad to hear that you found a will be great for gatherings or quiet times. We will miss your playing skills at the reunion in August...but I hear we may have some nice cards to remind us of you???

Good luck with Spanish school.

11:57 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Yeah, I got some pretty cool ones. Hopefully they´ll do justice to it. Will try to get some uploaded this wk....tight on time today. I´m currently on my lunch break! Ha!!! Have to get home for lunch, and then meet my tutor again at 2.00. Feel like I´m in High school again. I actually had homework last night!!

1:37 PM  

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