Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Made it to San Jose

Just had an amazing time in Granada again. Actually spent most of it at the lodge on the giant crator lake just outside of the city. I got to know all the owners of the hostel who also happened to own the lodge. We just went out for the afternoon to hang out at the lake, and ended up staying for two days. As there were no beds left, I actually slept on a mattress out on the dock. Made for a nice sunrise. Went back to sleep, and then woke up with people all around swimming.

Ended up bumping into my buddy who landed the bartending job there. Was nice to see some familiar faces. Due to a late night of partying with them, I missed my 7.00 o´clock bus, but I did eventually end up making it to San Jose. Staying back at the Pangea Hostel (remember, the very first one that I stayed in when I got to Central America). Going to try to head for Panama in the morning. Want to get to those islands called Boccas del Torro. If I can´t pull it off, I will most likely end up staying in Puerto Viejo in Costa Rica. The bus that I had today was probably the nicest one that I´ve been on, so I´m actually in quite the good mood. Ha.

Anyway, I will be sure to check in once I get to Boccas in the next couple of days. Talk to you then!!!


Have made it to Bocas del Toro. Stayed at a spot called Casbar the first couple of nights, but it was bordering on disgusting, so I have since upgraded to Hotel Heike, which is a beauty of a spot. Things are a little more $$$ once again, so I´m back to ham sandwiches.......well, and a damn good peanut butter and banana sandwich this morning.

The islands are beautiful. Little tough to get to though.......actually got here on a speedboat that cruised through this narrow little jungle river. The ride was pretty damn cool. The border crossing for Panama was pretty dramatic too. They actually make you get off the bus, and then you have to walk across this shitty old bridge yourself. Welcome to Panama! Will check in soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dooger Jr.,
I feel like this Blog is way too communicate to everyone. I am using your blog now. Infact, im claiming this as my blog now. So, i am in Ottawa right now staying at Chez Bickford. I am showing him your blog and educating him on the verb blogging. On my way to Toronto for National Qualifier.

Pics are cool Bickford's been to some of the same places and his loving it. Says it very safe all thourghout.

cheers Aldy

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dooger,
I know your family read this stuff so I wont say anything about how you like to sleep with whores and that you like to do a lot of drugs and shit like that. Are you transporting your stash in your guitar, is that how you are smuggling it through borders and such? Cool man. I love your work.
Your blog thing you have going here is pretty cool. I love your pics and it's nice that you are getting to see all that stuff. I've been to most of the places and your comments are refreshing. I wont say much more other than I am going to be a regular on your visitor so keep them coming and I am looking forward to more. Peace out my brother.
ps. To the family and relatives, I was just kidding about the whores and the drugs.

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan, your integrity is intact after Jimmydick, sorry Jimmybick's comments - I knew he was kidding even before he told us. Seems you are still having lots of fun and why shouldn't you after working all those long years at TD.
Send pictures of the whores.

"Stay Calm, Be Brave, Wait for the Signs"

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently, getting in touch with Aldy is like engaging in hostage negotiations with a country for which one has no diplomatic relations. I have to pass messages through an intermediary. Some get Alderman to call me.
PS - Ryan - the Mel Gibson comments were killer. Send pictures.

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't trust that aldy. He is the same guy that left me waiting at the Thistle St Andrew Curling club and would you believe he slept in out off limit bed. For your infomation Ryan , the election was called today for September 18. We are in full campaign mode as of today. Things are moving fast. We are still at the cottage so we are missing your blog. Papa

9:03 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Well Aldy, this whole blog thing was making me feel kind of selfish anyway, so I´m glad that other people can use it as a way of communicating now. I am expecting that you will post your scores on here when the tournament is over, and I wish you the best of luck. Try to keep your grubby hands off the beer cart girls.....maybe that will help with your putting.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

And everybody, I would like to introduce you to the phenomenon known as Jimmy Bickford (Colin, you actually came pretty close to one of his many nicknames....Bimmy Dickford). Mom and Dad, all boozing or swearing that I have done over the past few years has been his fault.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Kimi, there are no pictures of any ladies to be found. Remember, I am a new man. Unless this is the possibility of love, children, and a nice home on the ocean, then I move on. Can´t you tell how innocent I look in all those pics??

3:49 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Dad, so the election is finally in full swing!!! It is about time! I wish that it could have been back in May though when I was still around. So where are the new head quarters going to be?????

3:51 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Mr. and Mrs E.,
England, Scotland, and Ireland sound amazing! I would love to meet you for a glass of wine, but I may not be there for a while. I have met some friends in Ireland, but I don´t know if they are anyone that you would be interested in crossing paths with! Have a great trip though, I heard that those spots are amazing. Take lots of pics!

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Well Well, Bocas Del Torro! I've got some nice memories about that place! I've told you about my Carnival princess who I met early this year, haven't I? Yes, I did show her to you, the picture on the computer, in the same hostel you're in right now!!!

Anyway, Bocas,!! Great place to surf especially at Playa Wizard!!!, but watch out for the big-ass crazy waves, could get really serious there!!
And of course diving, dude, HellYeah!!!, I did my advance there with a Dutch instructor(who has a very good looking divemaster around, I shall not go into details, but she could compete with the best in class from Holland, so you know!),
They work from a Spanish school, one called: ‘Spanish by the Sea’, so if you feel the urge to checkout the underwater life, and/or share air with the divemaster! say hi from me to all the teachers!!

Last but definitely not least: Check out the happy hours at Mondo Taitu, they are awesome!! !!!!!!!!!!!! It’s a Hostel you do want to party at but don’t want to sleep in!

So,.. Have fun Ryan, and if you bump into Marlen, give her a big hug from me, okay?!!

Cheers man, see ya, would love to be ya!!!!


11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2-1 Reveal yourself

11:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going back in time, when I was travelling through Central America, I uncovered that it was hard to pronounce my first name, especially for the so called; 'typical' Americans, so I thought lets go back to basics, and use only numbers; as such, the nickname 2-1 was born…

But actually, as the fact may be that you’re probably all Canadians, It wouldn't be a difficulty for you guys, would it?


Toine Nillezen,

4:30 AM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Hey Everyone...and you too Ry, of course!!! Feel like I have been missing out. Had a nice vacation at the cottage. Again, it was great to speak with you Ry even though I only caught every third word...I picture you calling from some prison looking place where they limit your time on the phone and then send you back to your disgusting prison cell! Hard to prioritize your thoughts when you only have so much time to talk!

Aldy...Louie the MALE dog misses you...his owner still can't believe that you are the only human being that he has ever humped in his 13 year old life...must be the Aldy pheromone (Webster's Dictionary: a chemical substance that is usually produced by an animal and serves especially as a stimulus to other individuals of the same species for one or more behavioral responses)...LOL

4:25 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

2 1 is someone I met in Costa Rica. I´ve been giving this address out to people I meet on the road in case we get to cross paths again. And Toine, I never got a chance to dive. The place I went to was looking for 50 bucks for the night dive. Too rich for my blood. Never got to meet Marlin either, but from the dutch women that I have met, I´m sure that you are surviving just fine back in your home country.

10:38 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Tara, that´s hilarious! I like the image! Its not quite that bad.....not ALL the places are prison camps. I actually stayed at an awesome little spot the past 2 days. And with that whole thing about Louie the dog humping Aldy....well, lets just say that Aldy has always had some creepy connection with dogs. His old dog Molly still looks tainted.

11:53 AM  

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