Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bocas Pics

Still in Quito, Equador. Have been pretty lazy the past few days, but getting ready to head out soon. And yes, there was an eruption here in Equador, but it is quite south from here. As I said in the comments on the last post, I saw some pics of it and it looked amazing. The guy who was there showed me what the volcano looked like the next day. He actually got woken up in the middle of the night and told to grab his stuff and run. The volcano was actually spraying rocks on the town. It was also cool to see the pics of the bunker that they put everybody in.

I asked him if he saw Pearce Bronson driving by in a Jeep, but still no luck.

Headed back through Granada, and went back to Lac Apollo. Lac Apollo is the giant crater lake that I went to last time I was in Nicaragua. It is a pretty amazing spot.......nice enough to head back there. It was great bumping into friends that I had met last time I was there (Graham the Irishman, Cara at the Hut, and Dave from Ometepe). Had an amazing time, and was super relaxing. I actually slept out on the dock one night on a mattress so that I could catch the sunrise (they only have so many beds at the Monkey Hut, so most people just sleep on mattresses whereever they can find space). Dave owned a farm on Ometepe (the island in the middle of Lac Nicaragua) so it was pretty tempting to actually head back there for another visit, but I had to get going to Panama.

Its funny here, because none of the locals can get my name. They don´t really have a similar sound in the Spanish language, so I usually get called Reee-on, or some other mangled pronounciation. At the border crossings, they just call me Mr. Douglas (my middle name). I guess I can´t complain though, given that my spanish is so horid. Its funny, because when I´m on the local buses and I hear the loud speaker come on announcing something, I always take my earphones off to listen. I don´t know why though, becuase I never understand what the hell they are saying. Habits I guess.

When locals say things to me, I usually just say ´Si, si´, unless they stare at me afterwards, then that means theý´re asking me a question, so then I say ´No se¨. Seems to have worked so far. My many sound effects go a long way for me down here....if they don´t understand what I´m saying, they at least get entertained by it. The only real frustrating part for me, is having to rely on whatever spanish speaking person I´m travelling with to negotiate for me. It kills me, because I´m used to doing my own negotiating........ah, and getting my own way! Ha.

The trip through Miami actually made me a bit homesick. I was craving a couch, armed with a pizza, a converter, and some proline tickets for the football games......the REAL football games, not this soccer shit. Caught some preseason football highlights, and I was almost jumping out of my chair. I don´t know WHAT would happen if I got to watch a Bruins game right now. Especially since they are finally going to win a cup now (by 08-09 season). Patrice, Boyes, Kessel the future star, Timonen in the nets, and of course, big Chara being the anchor on the blueline.

Anyway, its siesta time for me. Bye for now.

Here are some pics from Bocas, and Nicaragua.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if you were back in N. America there'd be no hockey here either. Except ALERT TO HOCKEY FANS: there's a great film playing called "Bon Cop, Bad Cop" that's wicked funny about a serial killer wiping out guys involved in selling a Canadian hockey team to the USA. Yes it's Canadian but it's very good & super funny (hey--remember you trusted me on that "Lucky Number Slevin" film...)

Just heard there was some earthquake that ranged from South America to Antarctica. Coupled with all the volcanos, you're really getting your $$ worth on your trip.

I'm on 2 weeks hols right now, just hanging at home writing & trying to get my new apt. into shape. Awaiting word on a press trip to Spain last week in September, so I, too, may soon get to experience the new joys of no carry-on luggage, bottled water or even a book...

Will you cruise the Panama canal via dugout canoe or something?

Happy trails amigo.......Yorga

9:25 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Wow...nice pics once again. Great the shot of the praying mantis if that's what it really is. Nice sunrise...I saw the bottle of wine and the two glasses so knowing you, you probably kicked the chick out so you could take a picture to send home...LOL.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Greg, I pretty much have already had that ´where´s my next trip´feeling for a while! It´s a tough one to shake. Sounds like Claude is going to have an amazing trip.....couldn´t imagine taking 2 kids around the world as well! I can barely manage to get my ass around the world.

12:13 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Miss Frisky,
Nice to hear from you. I will have to put the flick on my ´to watch´ list. I don´t know if they´ll show it down here.

Nice to hear that you´re using up some of your 40 weeks of vacation. Nothing wrong with Spain in September either. Good to hear that you´re enjoying the new pad.....sounds pretty domesticated!

12:16 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Is that what those little buggers are called. They´re hilarious. As for the glasses of wine.....I´m innocent.....don´t you remember????

12:18 PM  

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