Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Heading to Peru

Going to try to make it to Mancora on Monday. It is another little surf town on the Pacific side. Not sure if I can make it the whole way, so I may end up staying in Guayaquil for a night. Will be sure to check in once I get established.

Just rolled into Guayaquil. May actually stay here for a day, and then head to Mancora. Staying at a hostel called Dreamkapture Hostal. Will get back in touch Tuesday.......hungry....tired.

Hey all, my apologies for the late replies, but I´ve been feeling a little under the weather the past few days (as they say in Nfld, ¨Dems da breaks¨). Lots of rest, lots of fluids, and some perscription drugs, and I´m back on my feet again. Going to try to get out of here tomorrow. May actually stick around Ecuador for a bit, as I don´t think I´m ready for surfing again just quite yet. Will try to get some more pics posted, but the computers here aren´t the most cooperative ones that I´ve come across. Anyway, I´m off to find a nice meal......and some more water.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rhyno -
DD's wedding was a lot of fun, got to see Turner and some other folks we haven't seen in a while - I'll fwd you the pics.

Bigg upps, madd love,

12:24 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Thanks bro!

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan, thought I would give you an update on the election in New Brunswick. I am doing great but not a bit over cifident,. Joe Mottt the Tory finally appeared last night with his signs. I am still waiting for the NDP canditae toAPPEAR. No big issues around yet.I am going door to door 4-5 hours a day. I feel great I have 100 volunteers working on the campaign. It will intensify after September 1. I think I will take a day off this week end to gear up for the final push Hope you feel better. Papa

5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ry,
How are things? Auntie Marion here. I thoroughly enjoy the comments from everyone and haven't written because my stuff is so boring. I can't be funny like your hysterical Uncle Colin. But, all he manages to talk about is flesh, skin, women, bodies, boobies, etc. - sounds like all the same thing to me. I don't know why he just doesn't fill his eyes with looking at his beautiful sisters and their "model" like frames. Ha Ha. Maybe I can be funny! anyway, hope all is well, be careful, don't catch the crabs or is that lobsters. Ha Ha, I am funny. Love ya

11:48 AM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Hey Ry...hope you are feeling better... do you think it was something you ate? Sucks being on the road when you are not feeling great so I hope you are over it.

Bigg upps, madd love

(I'm learning lots on this blog thing...)

3:47 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Dad, aren´t we kind of hoping for an NDP candidate??? Tara told me that all the crew are back again for the campaign. Sounds awesome. Wish that I could be there. And as for the days off, they sound great, but its the election day that worries me (as John said, ¨Prick of the year award¨ Ha). Well this is your 4th, so hopefully the stress levels will remain lower!!!

10:23 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

I don´t think I´ve ever come across a Coady who is short on words!!! And as for the crabs.....well, you don´t have to worry about that when you´re not out casting your rod at everything that swims by! Ha. I´m a saint, didn´t Mom tell you?? It´s good to hear from must be used to this email thing, with a hubby who likes to hang out in war torn countries and all.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Love the lingo. Stinch could write a whole book on those. In fact, I´m surprised that he hasn´t already taken advantage of this forum to discuss his theories on WWIII and how it has already started.

Feeling better now. Nagging cold, that´s it.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Miss Kimi,
What is this wkd concept that you speak of??? Does that mean its Friday?

And the only ´waves´ that I´ve been catching over the past few days usually send me running for the I´m quite pleased to be wavefree for now.

10:33 PM  

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