Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Have now left Riobamba........and in the end, it will be fair to say that I won´t be heavily missed. This is the first town where I managed to make absolutely no friends. I have to say though, the bike ride was worth every minute. It was absolutely aweseome. I haven´t stopped talking about it since I did it. Riobamba was a nice little town that is close to the volcano that erupted a couple of weeks ago. It actually got covered in a film of ash. The ash was still blowing around a bit (little sharper than normal dust). Little harder on the breathing and the eyes, but I didn´t really find it difficult. I got some pics of the volcano that erupted too......its still spewing ash.

Our guide´s name was Galo (for all you other backpackers, company is called ProBici). They took us up to the base camp of Volcan Chimbazo, at 4800m!! We then got to hike up to the 2nd camp, which was at 5000m. Given my lack of acclimitization, lack of energy after being sick, and my ongoing poor fitness levels (is that enough excuses), I kind of struggled with it. Was only making it about 30 feet at a time, before having to sit down and catch my breath. I heavily underestimated the size of Volcan Chimbazo. It is actually the largest mountain on the western hemisphere.......yes, the Colorado Rockies pale in comparison to the Andes down here. And actually, they say that the summit of Chimbazo is the highest point on the earth (bet you didn´t know that!). Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth, but because the earth bulges at the equator, Chimborazo is actually the furthest point from the centre of the earth (or, the closest point to the sun). It was awesome. The weird thing was, was that there was no snow at 5000m. It was pretty damn cold though.......we cold see our breath. Anyway, we got to jump on our bikes here, and started a 38km downhill ride that went through every terrain that you could imagine. It took us about 5 hours to complete. Got to see alpacas (these llamas like looking animals), giant canyons, rolling grassy hills, ice capped mountains, wide open winding mountain roads, dirt paths, etc., etc. Along the way, we actually got to pass through these indigenous mountain villages. The people all loved to come over and chat when we stopped......especially the kids. The kids would actually come running to the road when we were passing by to wave at us. I felt like Lance Armstrong on the Tour de France......except without the hot girlfriend......ah, and the talent. The scenery throughout the ride was spectacular. I tried to stop and take pics as much as I could, but got a little caught up in bombing down the mountain.

We also got to see the bulls that they raise for the bullfights. Bullfighting is HUGE here in Riobamba, and the top bullfighters (they rank then like tennis players) are kings down here. The bulls were giant. For the big bullfighting festival here, the farmer provides 8 bulls (btw the ages of 4 to 6....that´s when they are the strongest.....and angriest), at $5G´s a piece! Not bad. The best 6 get used. Each of 3 bullfighters have to fight 2 bulls in the afternoon. All the bulls are fought to the death, unless the bull and the bullfighter put on a spectacular show, which they then spare then bull´s life for future fights (doesn´t happen often). Most of the best bullfighters are in Spain, but aparently 5 of the top 10 in the world come to the big festival in Quito each year.

Anyway, I am now in Latachuga. There is supposed to be this amazing bus ride that you can do here through the Andes, that´s called the Quilotoa Loop. It ends at a spectacular crater lake called Laguna Quilotoa. I´m staying at a hotel called Hotel Estambul. And to my relief, there are some backpackers in here that I have met. It´s nice to have conversations in engligh again. Probably going to head for the Laguna soon. The altitude here is a real bitch. Sometimes I wake up feeling like I´m suffocating because I´m not taking in enough air. The difference between the highlands and the lowlands here in Ecuador is pretty dramatic. Nice to have the change though. I´m am absolutely loving the Andes here........they are amazing.

Anyway, that´s all for now.

Here are some pics from the beaches in Ecuador.

Here are the pics from the bike ride.

PS - Oh yeah and Colin, so far, Ecuador also has the most beutiful women that I´ve come across on this trip. Nice place to visit!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures of the bike ride. Beautiful country and sites. What's the story on the stone tablets in the rock field? Are those the ones Moses lost with those 10 dame commandments on them? No, can't be, he smashed them didn't he once he found out his brother was having an affair with his nephew. Keep the great write ups & pictures coming!

“Stay Calm, Be Brave, Wait for the Signs”

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan! Jessica here... sitting in my cubicle doing the random blog check (oh how I miss our celeb blog chats!) - wasting valuable company time LOL!

Getting ready for the big Canadian Open this wkend, i've been running around trying to please the RCGA and their so called "rules", I think they make them up as we go along! We are having a bit of a hard time with them grrr! i kinda feel like one of those bull fighters right about now! i hope they don't put me "out" like they do the losing bulls! i'm no animal activist but that sounds so cruel! Poor bulls :(

the pics look sick!!! they look like post cards! so beautiful…

I too am sad to hear that you have had no friends for the past while. Don't fret tho i'm sure the next town will be filled with babes and dudes that you can frolic with!

Stay safe, chat soon!

P.S. Celebrity blog update – Paris Hilton has been booked for drunk driving, Jessica Simpson and John Meyer are a couple (huh?!?) Nichole Richie now weighs 87 pounds.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Wow..more volcanoes erupting... amazing. Love the pic of the poor bastard sheep sitting on top of the bus. Your humour still prevails even from two words..."poor bastard". I can picture you saying it and it just strikes me as really funny. Love all of your scenic pictures as well...suddenly you have become a photographer!

The campaign is going well, they had 8 people on the phones canvassing last night so lots of support. Dad is working really hard on door to door and the drops are going well too. Couple of special events coming up this week and then in 11 days we have the election!!! Wish I were there on a full time basis to help but I do what I can on the weekends. I'll keep you updated.

Bigg upps, madd love

8:38 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Miss Kimi,
Yes, no friends equals lots of typing time. As for the exercizing, well, the only reason why I was able to pull of a 38km bike ride, was because 36 of them were downhill!

12:54 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

They definitely could have been the reconstructed commandment stones. I wouldn't that altitude, with my fitness level, I think that I was starting to hallucinate. There were tons of tombstones of climbers who had died on the mountain.....I probaly could have gotten some good pics but I was too busy trying to catch my breath.

12:56 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Miss Jess!
Cdn Open! Nice! Are you going to be able to meet Mikey Weir?? I'm sure that they won't put you 'down', like they do with the bulls (if it makes you feel any better, the bulls looked happy when I saw them).

And yes, I finally did meet some friends. I don't think I'm meant to go more than a week with out conversation.

And thanks for the gossip. I actually did see some entertainment show here the other night that filled me in on some gossip. I can't believe that crocodile guy died.

1:35 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Yeah, we got quite the kick out of the poor sheep. He even looked kind of embarassed when we were taking that pics.....if that's possible!

Good to hear that the election is going well. I would be more comfortable if I knew that you were there running the show though. Oh well, at least you guys get to pop in on the wkds.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Good to hear from you! I can't believe that Olivia is heading off to Jr.Kind already. That's crazy. She must almost be as smart as you she colouring between the lines(ha, sorry, had to still take the dig at you)?

As for the big upps and the madd love, well, I don't know exactly what it is, but I like it!

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan Patty Lizotte and I are sitting here reading your blog at 3pm Saturday pm. I am supposed to be out walking but I am on strike until Monday. The campaign is going great. One week to go. The barbaque today went over big time. alice and her crew are out dropping pamplets, the sign team is fixing signs and we have 8 people on the phones. Your blog is great to read. Sounds like beautiful country. stay in touch Papa.

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ry;

I actually fight bulls in my spare time....i practised for years on my sister but she just wouldn't wear the damn horns! just had something to do with the the wooden spoons I was using as a spear.....

can't check your pics because of the firewall right now but I'll try them again home.

ummmm, u smell.


4:47 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Hey Simon!! I remember watching one of your practise sessions when you were about grabbed a hold of Heidi's hair and pulled with all of your might and wouldn't let go no matter what I did...a temper that I am well familiar with hey Ry?

8:10 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Do you still wear those tight bullfighter pants? I guess you still kinda have the funny hat.

And Tara, as for tempers....I don't know what you're talking about. I've always been very mild and meek.

2:04 PM  

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