Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Friday, September 01, 2006


Spent some time back along the Pacific coast. Weather was OK, but got a lot of overcast as well. First town I hit was Canoa. It was the nicest beach that I´ve been to since Costa Rica and Nicaragua. It was huge too. Got to do a little surfing, but was pretty much like starting from scratch again. This surfing gig is tougher than it looks. You don´t get the luxury of a 6 man chairlift and unlimited supply of gravity. The only thing gravity does out in the water is help you do a faceplant off the face of a 6 foot wave. I still can´t figure out which waves are the weak ones that won´t carry the board, and which ones are so powerful that they roll you over 4 or 5 times and make you lose your sense of up from down. Town was very quiet. Stayed at the CocoLoco which had awesome beds (real mattresses) and awesome warm showers. Owned by a dutchman named Franz.

I next passed through a town called Puerto Lopez which is supposed to be good for whale watching (but I didn´t go), and then went on to an awesome little surf town called Montanita. Only 2 little streets, just jammed with restaurants, bars, and surf shops. Beach was OK, but waves were great for learning on. Had a few days on the water, and actually started catching some waves again. Met some cool people (Renan & Maria fr. France, Bobby fr. Scotland, the Auzzies, Matt and Lauren fr. Canada, the pharmacist from NZ, etc.). Party scene was great. Would have been spectacular if we had more sun. Passed the evenings with intense games of Jenga (seem to be playing alot of that on this trip). We actually had a crowd around our table at one point, with people applauding at how high we got it (26 levels). Twas pretty funny. Got a few pics. Stayed at the hostal Tsunami. Hung out at the Hostal Blanca.....great food.

Headed down to Guayaquil after that. Was a huge town (pop 2.5M). Got sick there though, so spent most of the time in bed. Did manage to go check out the town, and then went to a movie (The Centinal). It was actually the first time that I´ve ever gone to a movie myself. It didn´t last long though, as two cute little local girls came and sat behind me and handed me a napkin ¨Como se llamo¨¨(What´s your name). Was pretty funny. It was yet another reminder of how horrid my Spanish is though. Not much to talk about beyond that. I did end up watching the movie with them anyway.......well, I think that´s what they asked.

I´m now back in the mountains in Riobamba. It was an intesting ride here. As I always do, I asked about 4 other people at the bus station if there were going to Riobamba and they all said ¨Si¨. What was supposed to be a 4 hour bus ride turned into just under 8 hours due to a blockage on the road (it doesn´t take much to block these mountain roads). So after a couple of terrible spanish movies and a bag of cheezies that I bought, that turned out to be.......not cheezies...........the bus pulls over and the guy comes over to just me and says, ¨OK, Riobamba¨. I look around and I´m the only #### person getting off. I wanted to turn around and ask everybody else where in the hell they were going (but I didn´t know how to say it in Spanish). Anyway, after reconfirming with the bus driver four times over, I finally got off. It turns out I was just 10 min cab ride from Riobamba.....AND, the room I got had a TV with cable. Got to watch Agassi play his last match.....I think (how do you say last match in Spanish??).

Its funny, but you can really tell the differences in elevation. Up here you get runny noses alot (not that I haven´t had that for the past week anyway), and you get really short on breath when walking up hills. I´m staying at a hotel called Hotel Tren Dorado. This town has a nice mix of locals, as well as indigenous people (the women are so cute in their little outfits.....I will try to get pics). I have absolutely no friends here, but have been trying for the past 2 days. Met some Germans in the lobby earlier. They asked me if I knew where any good restaurants were. I said, ¨No, but I´m hungry¨. We chatted for a bit, they grabbed their guide book, found a spot, and then they all turned to me and said, ¨OK, see you later¨.

Yeah, it was nice talking to you........assholes.

Mom, you will be proud to know that I got a hair cut today. You could imagine what it was like trying to communicate with the girl about what I wanted. I told her that I only wanted a little off, and then she grabbed the clippers. I was like, ¨Woh, woh, woh......slow down....slow way down.¨. I told her to only use scissors (by ´told her´ I mean, I made the scissors motion with my fingers and said ¨solo¨). All the girls in the shop were getting quite the kick out of it. Turned out OK though.......I think. Well, what can you expect for a dollar.

Heading out to do some mountain biking tomorrow with an organized group. They drive us up to the base camp of the largest mountain in Ecuador (Chimbarazo), and then we get to bike down the paths for 5 hours. Should be fun. Supposed to be pretty easy though, as they have other paths for the advanced types. If elevation becomes an issue, then we end up getting a nice ride in the truck.

Anyway, that´s all for now. I have another big night planned of hanging out by myself again. Here´s to hoping for a good movie on the english preferably.

PS - I watched Law and Order in Spanish the other´s amazing how useless all the character´s lines are. It´s pretty much the same after show. In fact, I think I like it better without the English.....its not as annoying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great write up Ryan. Isn't this strange - I get short of breath from walking up hills too - it must be the thin air here in NB. I thought it was the 240 pounds I was sporting!
Remember that restaurant you worked at when you were 15 or 16 and went home crying to your Mom that it was too hard? I think you lasted 2 days - didn't you?! Well we closed it last week. Not doing any business on that street any more.
Election is heating up here in NB. Papa's face is all over the place. Who got to get him to sit long enough for a picture - I haven't been able to get one of him for years.
Pickling seasoning here again and Melody is making some more of that famous salsa I told you about. She's made it a little hotter this year - probably to keep me out of it.
Kristen is off to Greece for a week with her new Greek boy friend. I hope his last name is O'Nassis. We need a retirement fund!
Kali starts school tomorrow - summer's over! If you find any snow blowers down there at a good price, let me know - I'm in the market for one.

How was the mountain bike ride down the hill? Did you keep your boys off the cross bar?

Keep the stories and tales coming. I'll even take stories of tail! Ha! Just kidding Phyllis - Ryan's a saint. Saint Ryan - Patron Saint of lost TD Bankers.

“Stay Calm, Be Brave, Wait for the Signs”

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, been on the road for three weeks...
Greg Ponesse's wedding this weekend, should be alot of fun. Roly, good luck with the election, i am sure you will WIn!
Nice Pics snoop. I agree with Colin, too much green, need more flesh.
I love how your mom and sister completely use this blog for post worry and post guys are too funny.
Ryan has been a big winnie his whole life, he's not going to all of a sudden at 29 start taking huge risks ...just kidding, understand your concern.

Take care

like Tara says "Bigg Uppps and Made love"

9:43 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Ry...thanks for taking the time to keep us upadated. You have some great stories!

Andrew was in to HQ and offered to help with a drop - faithful friend he is...unlike that friend of yours, Aldy...standing Dad up.

Colin...tell Mel to save me a bottle of that Salsa. Oh, and we would love to see you at HQ on election night (bring the salsa).

Sorry Ry, but your blog is a great form of communication all around...

4:37 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Ha. Even after 7 years, I still say that the hardest day at the Bank still wouldn´t compare to one of those 2 and a half hours shifts on the floor at the restaurant! Ha!! That´s too bad about the SJ one.....Rothesday ave is shit now.

Kristen´s off to Greece with her Greek boyfriend??? I take it that you didn´t have any say on that one!

1:31 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

The rest was definitely needed. Still have a nagging cold but feeling fine. As for the new haircut, well its not that dramatic to tell you the truth. I was starting to get a little bit of a mullet though, so it was badly needed. Haven´t had a beer in like a week....maybe this no friend thing is a good thing for me. I knew it was just the peer pressure all these years!

1:34 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Good to hear that you´re headed for Saudi. Working with 95% males may be tough though. Maybe we should send Rob´s dog with you. Oh yeah, and remember, its not the same as prison......switch hitting doesn´t become ¨OK¨ just because there are no females around. Let me know when you get your first break at we´ll meet up in NZ.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Thanks for the pics of the looks awesome. Glad to hear that you and Thor were able to make it down on the weekends to keep things cruising. Good to hear that Andrew made it in (not sure if you check this or not Andrew). All those little bastards should be getting in there and volunteering.....of all the jobs they got from Dad over the years! And yes, hopefully everybody can make it down for headquarters for election night......I wish I could be there!!!!

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny stuff ry....keep it coming. not much new out on the west coast, moving in with my girlfriend, we bought a dog and my vacation ends tomorrow....oh god why me! just kidding...the dog is cool! hee hee!
Anywho, I'm going home....I stopped in at work to check my should come up here and try a bike ride with us....very painful.


PS-hi to all!

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Ryan,This is your Auntie Mary from good old PEI,just wanting to say hello.HELLO.I have read some of the comments on your blog, & It sounds like every one is enjoying your adventure along with you..God bless you ,take care & stay safe.Auntie M

10:33 PM  

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