Absailing in the Blue Mountains
The weather here has been fabulous. Pretty much the high 20's everyday, with maybe a couple of bumps up into the 30 range. Can't complain really I guess (sorry, had to rub it in a bit!). After slacking off in Sydney for a week, I hooked up with this really cool brother sister combo from England (Greg and Pia) and started making my way north. Hanging out with them made me miss my sister and bro (hey Greg and Tara!). Made my way to the Blue Mountains, which is this giant mountain/canyon range about 4 or 5 hours north of Sydney. They say that the range is the size of Holland. Pretty cool spot. When we were there, Greg and Pia suckered me into their brother-sister rivalvry and actually talked me into going absailing and canyoning. What is canyoning you ask??? It is when they take you walking through these canyons and through crazy little waterfalls and water holes. Twas pretty cool. I have to say though, that the absailing part may very well be the most frightening thing that I have done to date. Yes, it was scarier than the bungy jump. After doing a few small test runs in the morning, they basically sent us over a 100 foot waterfall and got us to absail down it while water was pounding in our face. Some scary shit I tell you! I have to say that I was truly frightened on that first step off when they get you to sit back in your harness, hanging over this water fall and seeing the canyon floor below you about 100 feet down. It is safe to say that it will be the last time that I ever try that again. I had falling nightmares for 3 days. Ha.
Afterwards we heading through Hunter Valley, which is a big wine region here. You would probably recognize Wyndham Estates wines??? They make one of my favorite reds, Bin 555. Twas a nice area. Too avoid those pricey hostels costs, we would just pull over in a park, wait for it to get dark, and then throw up some tents.
By the way, I would like to wish Mom and Happy Birthday!!!!! She is celebrating the big 43 again. Pretty crazy, considering that her youngest son is almost 30! Ha!
And oh yeah, Dad wanted me to say hi to a certain gal over at the NBAHA. Apparently you are considering a trip through Europe. I know the name of a handsome tour guide that you could bring around. He's pretty cheap too.....just pay for his food and booze. He even comes with his own little tent, 'The Little Tent that Could'. ; )
Also, it is good to here that my bro-in-law Thor is holding up ok after that nasty surgery. That looked like quite the incision. That's crazy that the doctor said that you are the first 36 year old that has ever signed up for a voluntary circumcision.
Anyway, here are some pics from the absailing. Unfotunately I didn't get to bring my camera into the canyons with the waterfalls, but you do get an idea of the height from some of the test runs. Hope that you are all enjoying all that snow.....I will think about you when I'm out surfing this afternoon. Ha. : p