Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My First Earthquake

I guess its something new to check off on the list, although it wasn´t part of my plans.

I woke up the other morning to my couch shaking. The funniest thing was, was that although I´ve never experienced an earthquake before......I knew exactly what it was. Weird, eh? It measured in at 6.4 on the scale, and apparently was the biggest tremor that Peru has had in 5 years (this is what the word is on the traveller´s beat anyway). Apparently it lasted about 30 seconds, but I only got to experience half of it (deep sleeper). None of the locals seemed all that concerned though. Well actually, nobody in the hostel seems to give a shit. Most people either slept through it, or immediately went back to sleep. I on the other hand, actually launched myself to my feet and then ran under the door frame. Its amazing how things that you learned in grade 3 come back to you so quickly in times of crisis.......or should I say, apparent times of crisis.

It was actually quite eerie to experience. The reason why at first I knew it wasn´t just strong wind blowing, was because of the loud creaking noise that the building was making. The shaking was actually pretty crazy and kind of scary. Apparently the only ones concerned though, were myself, and the 10 or 15 local neighborhood dogs. Oh well....its good to know that nobody was harmed, and that due to the lack of presence of other travellers in my room, my pride has also managed to remain intact.


Blogger Baby on my mind said...

OH MY GOD!! Scary but quite funny actually...amazing what you are experiencing. Every counrty is your next best country!!!

Anyhow, mom and I are gearing up to watch "The Nine" and need to get our butts downstairs before Dad and Thor get home and get the TV!!!

Be smart, Be careful, Be safe! Thought I needed my own sign off like everyone else...I'll try this one out fo now. (o;

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually got an email from a cop buddy of mine down in Peru and he said that some idiot gringo left his soiled underwear at a hostel down there and the owner called the police....hmmmm, after considering the evidence....and the whole chunks of Hoagie in the underwear, I think I know who the culprit is.

I've been in an earthquake once but like you said I thought it was a strong wind....i too sleep soundly. tooo soundly if you ask me.....BOO! happy halloween....

I dunno, sorry, thats the scariest i could come up with.... do Peruvians celebrate halloween? Hey ryan! No masks allowed! ...huh? thats not a mask? oh...ummm...AWKWAAAARD!


11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ry,
Auntie Marion here. Now that I know who slyman is, I have to say the mountain air must be getting to him as he's crazier than hell. Between him and your Uncle Colin, you really should stay away from your relatives. The pictures are great especially of Columbia, what an amazing looking country. The only reason Colin looks at them is for the boobs as you know, and there seems to be lots. Are they all sluts?? Ha Ha
We've booked a cruise through the Panama Canal in Feb. and we have a stop over in Costa Rica. Any pointers? Philip is now past the half way point and we're on the downward slide. Any chance you're heading to Bosnia? I'm sure he can show you a good time. Nothing compared to what you're used to but a good tour of the army base and the mine fields would be exciting. We too experienced an earthquake just recently here at home. Right after it happened Heidi called to say "what the hell was that?". At first I thought it was a plane flying too low but it was a quake. Apparently Orleans is on the most unstable ground in the east. Anyway, hope all is well, and as always, be good and be careful.
Love ya

8:02 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Tara, I like the new sign off. Colin, you have done a fabulous job at inspiring all these people.

The battle for the TV sounds hilarious. Don't you guys have like 4 of them now though??

2:42 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Peruvians love halloween down here. I'm thinking of going as a desperate cracked out hooker.......can you send me pictures of some of your BC girlfriends?

By the way, my buddy MacDonald is moving out to Vancity soon. You guys should be proactive and open a file on him now. I have some good photographic evidence I can forward along.

2:47 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Ha! Nope, they're not ALL sluts....only the lucky ones! As for Costa Rica, you should be able to hire private air conditioned jeeps that will get you to the coast. I would recommend the Pacific side (Tamarindo). As for Panama, try to get off the boat in Panama City to do some shopping, you won't regret it!!
As for the earthquakes, I didn't know that we had any in Canada. When I was in Ottawa, I guess I always just blamed in on the hangovers.

2:52 AM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Miss Cecile,
Damn....I was late seeing your comment. I ended up staying at Loki hostel....which was pretty damn cool anyway.

Cusco definitely was cool, but the altitude was a real bitch.....I swear it was the altitude...definitely not the booze.

11:14 AM  

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