Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Left the Beach

Yes, it was tough, but it had to be done. I am now in Bogota staying at the Israeli hostal (can´t remember the name right now). Twas a 19 hour bus ride (my longest yet) but luckily, I slept through most of it.

Had the time of my life up in Taganga and Tayrona. As I said before, I have hooked up with an awesome crowd, which are wicked fun. Felt nice to go 2 weeks with no shirt and no shoes. The room the we got was beautiful......full kitchen, and huge fans to help for sleeping at night. Mornings consisted of getting up, heading to the fruit stand for a fruit shake, and then hitting the beach. Unfortunately there was no surf there, but I did get to do a couple of dives. The reef was beautiful, and I got to go through my first little cave. The Maltese friends that I´m travelling with had a buddy who was a divemaster (Marco), so he took us out on the boat (Matt & Fran, Bert, and Anna from UK). Did a dive in the morning, then hung out at a cabana for lunch, and then did another dive in the afternoon. We got the freind discount, so it was only 20 bucks a dive......half the price of Bocas in Panama.

Usually managed to have one big awesome meal per day (chicken schiztel at Luis, or a big ass sub from Maria´s). At night, we always had a little party outside our little palace, and then we usually would go for a few drinks at the local bars (La Puerta, and Garaje). Also got to spend tons of time hanging out in hammocks and playing guitar. We got to know lots of locals too, so they would always come to hang out as well. My nickname has eventually evolved in Gringo, as there are no Americans around and so I am the closest thing to it (NOTE - Gringo´s are American tourists).

Colombia is amazing........definitely South America´s best kept secret. People are super friendly, beaches are awesome, cities are clean, and there are tons of police everywhere, so you always feel safe.

Anyways, its a little colder here in Bogota, but it is a huge nice city with a good student scene. We are going to head to a music festival here tomorrow and Monday and Bolivar Park. Supposed to be awesome. Also meeting a bunch more friends here, so that should be cool. Will try to work on posting pics, now that I have a decent internet connection.

Bye for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to know how beautifull Monica is from South Afica.

Snoop diggity, sounds like you are having an amazing time..inspiring!

I lost where you are and where you're going...
Ill get caught up on the blog.

I might get 1 or 2 more games on the Buds.
Won a golf tournament at Kingswood on the 18th hole (third playoff hole)2-man scramble. Heartland, NYC KKKrista was there working the bar......dammmmmmn!
Was awesome...Interupted Bears are back in it!! 5-0 start, down bad, coming back

Snoop Jr, OUt!!!

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aldy, thanks for the Tourettes-inspired comments - glad to hear you're still kickin' it large in the STJ

Rhyno - sounds like you're having an awesome time - keep emailing me at work so I can get fired and come visit. I think that would be delightfully ironic...


P.S. - 'Zona blew a 20-0 lead at halftime vs. the Bears on Monday night...

9:08 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

If the buds are you and Gregs hockey team, then I heard that you guys are back to your losing ways. Must be tough staying up to 2 oclock in the morning just to have some other team walk all over you.

Nice work on the golfing. Are you going to be able to do any in Saudi. Need to know more about your Krista encounter. Send me an email.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

I never knew how to spell that....Tourettes....did you look that one up?

I´m now officially only suitable for Yahoo email accounts. Please place my address on the block sender list. Actually, that kind of reminds me of when I was at TD. My managers used to ask if I ´got the email´ and I´d tell them,¨Sorry, you´re on my blocked sender list¨.

Heard the bears are tearing it up. Kind of like my Bruins.....that´s if ´tearing it up´ means losing to the shittiest teams in the league.

1:33 PM  

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