Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Byron Bay

Hey Folks,
Not much to report here, as I guess it has kind of been the same old same old for me these days. It feels kind of nice to say that actually.

My typical day:
  • Wake up whenever I feel like it.
  • Usually go for a swim in the pool and grab a quick bite to eat.
  • Play a good game of beach volleyball.
  • Find some people and play guitar for a couple of hours.
  • Head to the beach to hang out for a bit and catch some waves until sunset.
  • Come back and fire up a good dinner with the boys, and then sit back with a few beers.

Life is tough I tell you.

Also, I have to mentioned that Aldy is coming to visit me in about a week or two, and I'm pretty stoked about it. Always nice to see a friend from home. I think that I am going to take a week off the booze to prepare for his arrival. I will definitely have to introduce him to Goon. Goon is what they call the cheap wine here. 4 litres for 9 bucks. Obviously, it is pretty popular with the backpackers here. It is also convenient in that we can store the goon bag in the bushes downtown and then have it for in between bars.

Anyway, I just found my camera that I thought that I had lost, so I am going to get back onto the pictures. Here are a few random ones that I have taken though.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Job

I successfully applied for my first new job in over 8 years last week. Yes folks, you are now looking at the new Night Shift Shuttle Bus driver for the Arts Factory Hostel. I work the shift from 10:00 at night until 4:00 in the morning, driving people back and forth to town. The greatest part is, is that the ride is only about 300 metres. Pretty hectic I tell you. I also have to mention that I almost failed my drivers test.......the first test in over 10 years (had to do one for that summer that I worked at the library in Saint John.....long story). This whole other side of the road thing was stranger than I thought. It also didn't help that it was a standard and I, ah, don't really drive standards. Definitely made for an interesting drive. The highlight was when I tried to turn into the parking lot and I put the wipers on instead of the blinker. My new boss said that I was lucky they had an automatic bus or I would have been looking for other employment. Great thing is is that it covers my accomodation, and its only once every four nights. Not too shabby I must say so myself. Staying up late and hanging out with drunk people..........I think that I am kind of a natural at it.

The animals in this country are absolutely crazy. You probably aren't even going to believe me but just to give you a couple of examples..........the other night I was walking in the campground and just when I was about to take another step I stopped because I saw something move. When I shined my light down, it turned out that it was the head of a snake. When you here snake, you probably picture the foot long grass snakes that you see back home. Well, not this guy. This was a Python that was over 2 metres long..........2 %#$* metres!!!! A huge fat python crossing the path. It was the biggest snake that I have ever seen in real life, and it was only about 30 feet from my tent. That's what I mean about crazy. AND, I don't even want to get into what the spiders look like here. Go on the internet and look up what a giant wolf spider looks like. My buddy found one in his tent a couple of days ago. For those of you who know, I'm not exactly fond of these little bastards. I guess I'm facing all my fears these days! Ha.

The surfing is coming along, but far from an expert. Greg asked me the other day if I was riding in barrels. Just so you all know, that is still a couple of years away. I have however started riding on green water (that is the part of the wave that hasn't broken yet). Surfing is an amazing rush. You can sit out on the water for a couple of hours and only catch 4 or 5 waves, but those 4 or 5 make it all worth. I guess I wouldn't call sitting out in the ocean in the sun grueling though. Ha.

We head our first rain storm here the other day and it was pretty tough on the campground. Lots of people got flooded out. My shit got pretty wet, but overall, I survived OK. Living in a tent is cool when its nice, but I wouldn't be lasting long if it rained all the time.

Oh, and by the way, I forgot to tell you about the wild turkeys here. They are little bastards. I guess you could call them the racoons of Australia. Ha. One of them bit through my tent the other night and ate some bread that I had in there. Needless to say, me and the turkeys don't get along real well. Lots of people in the campground get a kick out of me chasing these little bastards around. Lets just say that I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving.

I went to a super awesome music festival here the other day called Good Vibrations. Got to see some of the best DJ's in the world and some crazy bands like Rahzel, Jurassic 5 and the Beastie Boys. I was a little disappointed though, because I ended up missing the old Snoop Dogg himself, but I'll guess that will have to be for another time.

Anyway, that's it for now. Have to get going as I have to work tonight.....ha!!! I love it.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

I Live in a Tent

Yes, I have found my little heaven....Byron Bay, Australia baby! Planning on sticking around here for a while. This place is exactly what I was looking for when I use to picture living in Australia when I was younger. Weather is hot, beaches are awesome, town is hopping, and the waves are fabulous. So yes, I now live in a tent......and I'm loving it. Bought myself a nice big air mattress, and have strung up a little clothes line for my surfing gear. It is amazing just how cozy it is! Ha!

Have been staying in the campground attached to a giant hostel called the Arts Factory ( This place is like a Club Med for backpackers. Giant pool parties, poi and juggling lessons, full sized movie theatre, volleyball courts, reading rooms, and everything else you could need. The place holds about 300 to 400 people in total. The campground is spectacular as well. It is literally right in the jungle, so the sounds are night are crazy. Really cool vibe here with tons of people who have been living here for a couple of months. Some amazing musicians as well. All day long, all you hear are guitars, bongos, and every other instrument you could imagine. I have been playing about 2 to 3 hours a day lately, and learning lots.

I also have finally bought myself a surfboard!!! Cost me $290 2nd hand. Its a long board (7'6") which is perfect for the waves here. Me and the boys here head out everyday around 5:30 and then surf to sunset. It is pretty spectacular.

I don't have much for pictures right now (have to find a different internet place where I can upload pictures) but will get some up soon. For now, I have some old pics from a little visit to a zoo that I went to in Blue Mountains. There is a hilarious pic of a Kangaroo in there. For some reason, it has just struck me funny and it cracks me up every time I look at it.

Talk to you all soon.