Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Monday, November 20, 2006


I can´t remember what they refer to as ´The City That Never Sleeps´, but it should be Buenos Aires. This place can make even the most eager of beavers feel slack (imagine what it does to ME). It is an awesome city. But as I look back through my pictures, I don´t think that I´ve actually done much over the past couple of weeks. Spent a couple of nights at the famous hostel called the Milhouse. It is a cool spot, but way too many rules for this weary traveller. After they woke me up at 11:00 in the morning to ´let me know´ that I had to get out and that there were not beds left, I politely swore off Milhouse for good. Instead, I have been staying in another hostel Casa Zoola, which has awesome cool people running it, and it doesn´t come with any of the red tape (Milhouse actually had a thumb scanner for identifying guests. You know a hostel is making too much money when.....). I know that 11:00 in the morning doesn´t exactly sound early to you gamefully employed types, but you have to realize that we don´t even head out until 3:00am here. Pretty strange, but it´s amazing how easily I adjusted. I´ve definitely never been accused of being a morning person. In fact, mornings actually make me miserable. There, I said it.

The greatest highlight of BA has been hooking up with my awesome friend Monique that I met in Colombia. Always great to see somebody you know. We´ve been heading out hitting a couple of bars, eating some cheap steaks, and enjoying some fine Argentinian wines. Sounds rough eh. This city has a little bit of everything. Very European would never know that you are in Latin America. I also went and checked out a town called Rosario (have been hanging out with the English contingent.....Emma, Zoe, Laura and Harriot). This little city (1M people) definitely confirms that Argentina does indeed have some of the best looking women in the world. And they all have an affinity for wearing tight pants.....which I hope catches on in N. America soon. Was also a pretty fun town. Hit a bar called New Mystic, and then another giant club called Madame.

I tried to find some kind of monument for the Pan am games, but there were none to be found. As most of you know, Argentina was home to the 1995 Pan Am games where a certain sister of mine won a Bronze medal!!! Yeah baby.

One adjustment that had to be made for Argentina was this whole kissing on the cheek thing....and no Colin, I'm not talking about the fine local women. It is actually customary for the men to kiss here. It definitely took some getting used to. Thankfully Monique would give me the heads up on who the locals were and who weren' avoid any unneccesary smooching.

The one really cool thing that I DID do that was picture worthy in BA, was go wakeboarding (like water skiing, except with a snowboard looking thingy). Yeah baby!!! Monique has a local friend here named Mariano who has his own boat. It was amazing, and absolutely beautiful. Monique, Laura, Mariano and I, armed with some food, a volleyball, some cards, and lots of ambition, cruised around through the canals and river systems here in Argentina. We docked the boat for a while and had a picnic, and then it was time to hit the water. I was first off. To my own surprise, I actually got up on only the 3rd try (we´re talking about wakeboarding here). Had a wipeout the first time the rope went slack....but after that I was off to the races. We took a rest for a while, hit the beach, played some v-ball, some beers, then got back in the water. I actually managed to land my first jump. It was about six feet in the air.........or apparently from the angle of the people on the boat, it looked just under a foot. Regardless, it still drew a large roar from the women in the crowd........all both of them.

To say that I was sore the next day would be somewhat of an understatement. Every once in a while, I get this less the subtle reminder that I'm not 20 anymore. Had an amazing day. The videos didn´t turn out, but got some aweseme pics. Even threw in a little air guitar for all you air guitar enthusiasts out there. Enjoy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, you're killing me. I thought BA was brilliant: the vino, the tango, gorgeous people, cool neighborhoods, amazing culture. BA was called "The Paris of South America".

Guess I could go down some draft beer, slam back a greasy burger, hit a karaoke bar and then stand on the street corner and let the bitter winter breeze freeze my innards: that should come close to replicating a night in BA (NOT!!!).

Glad to hear the adventurous spirit is still kicking--the wakeboarding looked fun. Can't wait to see what happens when you hit Down Under.....Yorga

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm liking the shaggier hair Ryan. well played.

And apparently i'm just gonna come on here to comment on your style. and you're gonna like it!

But yes, good hair. and the lip ring is looking better and better. A+ for this chapter.


2:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So my mom now thinks I'm going to quit my job and live on a house boat for a year....she's also still very worried u used the term ex-banker....i think its awsome! I'm an ex wanna be cop...yee haw.

I like where your heads at ryan...although i would have rathered more pics of bikini clad women that a bikini clad ryan....

any room down there for a house boat? any land for sale? ok, i'm dreaming but if my mom is reading this i think she prolly just dropped a load in her pants :) whoopie!

I'm back in O-town for a couple weeks, hit barrymore's last night for a bit...the lead singer for the tea party was playing...needless to say I threw a shawarma at him and got kicked out. PICKLED TURNIP IN YOUR EYE!!!!

it was funny until i realized i was really hungry...the kicking out part happened when i got up on stage and tried to scrape the pita off the floor.

anywho, quit making everyone jealous.


12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I really wish you had'nt brought up 95' that was also the year "your, so called sister" and i decided to part ways....

Harrrrrrrrrrd Days.


It's amazing when you havent had a beer in over three weeks how you can remember the different individual tastes of them all and which ones go better under diff circumstances and which one you will want when you get to have that first one again....

Dude, my first VACATION will be last week feb or early march...let me know if your swinging near the red sea and ill see if i can rent a boat and hook up a few Saudi women in there abaya's to cruise over to Lebanon with us and find out why everyone is so upset there? What d'ya say?

2:17 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Ryan, love the wake boarding...looks like you gained some weight...sorry, couldn't resist.

I stayed in BA but most of the games were in Mar Del Plata so that's probably why no monuments...too bad, would have been neat to see 11 years later.

Simon....isn't there a rule in the RCMP that states once you're an officer you can't get KICKED OUT OF BARS!!! Or does that only apply to the city in which you are policing!! My little Sim, all grown up...sort of?!LOL

Aldy who??

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I digress...this is all a joke....i'm like Mike richards, minus the racism....funny and twitchy i guess!

in other news, I've decided to become an ex banker and meet up with ryan to explore the savage lands. whoopie!

please visit my blog at

slyman out.

12:56 PM  
Blogger Baby on my mind said...

Hey Everyone..Ryan asked me to pass this are his exact words...

"Hey! Have to be quick. Back from the jungle, but don{t get back into La Paz until tomorrow.

Jungle was spectacular! Alligators,.anacondas, monkeys, dolphins, etc. If you could drop a note on the blog to let people know that I{ll be in touch in a couple of days, that would be cool!"

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryno - nice photos. I became an ex-banker and ended up at a small consulting firm in a non-descript building in West Toronto... where'd I go wrong? I hate you. I'd talk more, but I've got a lot of work to do - on the bright side, I'm having hernia surgery on Monday and will be out of commission for a week, and out of the gym for almost a month. Kill me.

Oh, and to whoever this Slyman guy is, words cannot properly describe the regret I felt after visiting your site. That said... pretty freakin funny.


3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stanch,,,stink,,,stinch whatever, i'm glad you enjoyed combines my love for poo with my love for vomiting.


4:59 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

I tried my best to get as close a pic that I could for the female contingent out there, but the zoom couldn´t do the trick. Hope all goes well with the mini Campbell reunion.....I still remember that great home cooking from my summer in Ottawa!

8:56 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Miss Kate,
BA is definitely the Paris of South America. I kind of thought that is was like a really cool Barcelona. BTW, beer and burger in a nice pub sounds fabulous to me right about now!

8:58 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Thanks Becca!
I´m all done with the hair cut thing, so its the shaggy look from here on out. Thanks for the grade.....I haven´t had an A plus since....ah......

9:00 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Nice work...I´m liking the pickled turnip in the eye.....that must be a familiar feeling for you.

I like the house boat idea. May give that a try myself. I think that I´m going to take Stinch´s word, and not actually bothering to visit the link that you provided from your ´My Favorites´ list.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Nice work on the G N R!!!! Yeah!! I regretted not going to the concert when they came to Toronto a couple of years ago. Thought it was going to be pathetic, but I heard that Axle was awesome. Will keep on ear out for the new album!

9:08 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Tara has never been the same since you left. I don´t know about Lebanon, sounds a little touristy. My uncle Philip may be interested though....sounds like an upgrade from Haiti. BTW, I heard that the beaches in Sinai (just across the border from Israel) are supposed to be spectacular. You can rent cool little huts on the beach. Awesome surfing. Could be worth while for a quick hop over the Red Sea if you get a break from work.....or call in sick.

PS Send me your contact info....we can hook up on Skype.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Ha!!! I love it!!! Hernia surgery sounds awesome. Do you think that they´ll take care of the hemroids at the same time? Stinch without gym for a whole month......poor Laura. Try not to take it out on the TV over another Sens loss.

PS Be sure to keep us up to date on the surgery. Best of luck my amigo.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Although you don´t actually check this very often, I wanted to send out a congrats on your new baby!! Glad to hear that all went well.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Miss Katie Marie!!
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Kaaaatie

Happy Birthday to You!!!

9:28 PM  

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