Blogging Private Ryan


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Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

HockeyJackass is dedicated to entertainment. If you are just looking for stories about who won the game the night before, go check the scores. We're here to give you the underlying stories that matter. I also currently work for THESCORE providing play-by-play liveblogs of all your favorite teams. To get in touch with me, if you so desire:

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bye Bye Byron (2)

Yes, I have finally decided to leave Byron Bay. After a week of continuous rain, I decided that I was all done with tent living. My goal when I got to Auz was to find a cool beach town where I could learn to surf, get lots of beach time, and eventually get my sense of adventure back. After a month and a half of living there, I have finally got the urge to toss the old backpack on the shoulders and get back on the road. I am currently sitting in the airport in Sydney and am waiting for my flight to Hong Kong. As per usual, I have done absolutely no preparation, but I have been told that HK is a pretty cool spot to visit.

I managed to sell my red guitar as well as my tent, both for what I paid for them. I am still however carrying my surfboard and my classical guitar that I bought in Central America (too much sentimental value to let it go). Tis quite the heavy load to be dragging around, but at least I've gotten rid of the camping gear. My plan is to hit Hong Kong for a bit, and then head for Indonesia. I have a couple of buddies from Byron that I am hoping to eventually meet up with in Bali. I am also hoping to get my hands on a new camera, given that the old one has been shit for me.

I have to tell you, I am pretty stoked about getting back on the road again. Looking forward to a good little adventure in Hong Kong. Will try to get lots of pics. I think that I'm really going to miss Byron. Not sure how much I'll miss the giant spiders, the 2m snakes, and the lethal jelly fish (got my first sting last week....only a little one, but it burned like bitch). And I guess that it is safe to tell you now (Mom) that they caught TWO brown snakes in my campground while I was there. Yes, those are the 2nd most venimus snakes in the world (just for reference, the famous black mamba snake from the movie Kill Bill II is supposedly number 9 or 10 on that list). We actually had a good little scare 2 days ago when a dark snake came in to where we were all sitting. Nothing funnier then watching 6 grown 'men' jump up on their seats like little girls.

Anyway, now that I'll be travelling alone again, I promise to get back to keeping the blog more up to date. I'm hoping to stay in Kowloon (?) when I get into HK at a hostel called something new hostel.

Bye for now....I'll be in touch soon!


Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Hey Folks,
Had to repost that last one due to some technical errors. Sorry about that.

6:01 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Trust me, the stamina just ain't what it used to be. There are some significant rest periods in between. I need a lot more sleep these days than what I used to. I do appreciate you recognizing my efforts in this area though! Heard that you guys got a sweet spot on a golf course in Moncton. Looking forward to sneaking on to the course when I get back.

6:05 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

You are not going to believe this, but you were actually the first person I thought of after my Kate encounter. I was thinking that I needed to email you to get the lowdown on Kate's marital status. Who is this Owen asshole that is mowing my lawn?

6:06 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Wish that we could have connected. It is more fun making fun of Aldy in groups than solo. How's that hernia treating you these days????

6:07 AM  
Blogger Ryan D. MacIntyre said...

Miss Kimi,
There are a whole bunch of little you's over here. I feel like the jolly green giant in this country....except for the green part. Well, and the jolly part too I guess.

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude,

Hernia's fine - all better.
Missed you guys yesterday on St Patty's - I had one for you.


1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snoop, thanks for the deadly time in Oz. The 5 star sweet you promissed was stellar, my own tent with a light and one outlet staring out over the beautifull pond!! Kate hudson keeps sending me weird text messages, i guess she doesnt understand what a fling is?? I told her to go back to that shaddy loser Owen...i guess hes in the movie buz or some shit...
Best to get ur ass to Indo as your are probably fighting the surfing bug!!

No Drama's mate!!
Aldy Bin Shoofin

11:43 AM  
Blogger The Sarcastic Mommy said... it me or did the last paragraph of your blog say "i promise to update the blog more often"??? I miss the entertainment, help!
Hope you are enjoying your new adventure and not missing the surf too much!

Hugs, Heidi

8:46 AM  

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