Wednesday, January 10, 2007


That's right baby. I have finally landed in Australia. Have been waiting a long time to get to this country. Today looks like it is pretty decent outside, so will probably head to Bondi Beach to take in the....ah....scenery.

Well after recovering from the shock of how expensive it is here in NZ, I must say that the scenery is pretty damn spectacular. It is amazing how diverse the scenery is considering how small these islands are. Giant snow capped mountains, amazing rivers, turquoise lakes, massive fiords, and awesome sunsets. Pretty impressive spot. If you're looking to take a nice vacation, I highly recommend dropping by this country. Super easy to travel as well. It seems that the best way to travel it is to either rent a campervan and tour the camp sites, or you can just rent a car pretty cheaply.

I have managed to do a spectacular job of seeing this country quite cheaply. Have managed to talk my way into rides everywhere which is cool. The best part though, is that when I haven't been camping, I've been meeting locals and staying with them. It is amazing how friendly the people are here.....kind of reminds me of the east coast back home. Also helps me learn tons about the culture here.

Mom, you will be happy to know that I met a family from Vancouver and they were nice enough to take me under their wing for a few days. They were travelling in a big ass campervan around NZ with their friends from Auckland. They made room for me and even fed me properly for a few days. Ha. I also got to meet up with an old friend from TD, Lynda. Her and Matt were nice enough to put me up for a few days, lend me their guide book, drive me to the airport, and feed me like a king. I would exactly say that I have been roughing it. Ha. I even got to do a family bike ride.

My little tent has been holding up quite well. Actually survived a couple of rainfalls which isn't too shabby for a $30 tent. I am now calling it 'The Little Tent That Could'. Its still a little bit of a bitch to set up though, given that it only has tie ropes instead of those fancy little clips that those 'dome' tents have.

I still am having to adjust to the whole 'other side of the road' thing here. It is kind of funny, because since they drive on the left side, then people actually tend to pass that way on busy sidewalks too. I keep having these ackward moments of bumping into people because I always kind head to the right when in doubt.

I got to check out the Glaciers here which were pretty damn cool. Have never actually seen one before, despite being from Canada. Check the pics.


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    No comments. Thats differnt isn't it. Sounds like you are in warmer weather but Austrailia is a big country. I think you should carefully chose where you go from here. Indonesia has plenty of issues at the moment including major floods with roads washed out and many communities desperate for food, among other things. As for China it is also a large county and my impression when I was their in 1998 is that their are two classes of people the rich and the poor and no middle class. Nothing new here, I'm in the office working . It is Sunday morning and thought I would say hello. PAPA

  2. Anonymous6:59 PM

    "The Little Tent That Could" eh? - I wake up in one of those just about every morning. Melody calls it "The Little Tent That Won't"! Go figure. Was that a Kiwi you were riding? Couldn't you find anything better? Just kidding - I imagine you are eating lots of kiwi down under!
    Speaking about those extinct birds - is it true they are extinct because they were made into shoe polish? Ask around to see what answers you get. Say hello to Mic Dundee for me if you meet him.
    When's the sky diving coming or is kiwi riding the best we're going to see from Australia?

    "Stay Calm, Be Brave, Wait For The Signs"

  3. Colin...don't encourage him please!

    Ry, love the long, curly hair mixed with the Chanel looking glasses!!

    Glad to hear that the ole' Ry charm has been put to use and you have been able to mooch off the locals!

    Great pix once again. Glaciers, another check.

    Thor says hello, hip surgery went well and we are still in London, flying home on Tuesday. The joke is that his incision is longer than mine...not much of a joke really.

    Love ya.

  4. Hey Dad!
    Yeah, it's damn hot here. Still a real nice temperature though. I think that it will get well into the 30's soon. Still in Sydney, but should be heading up the east coast soon. Have met lots of people coming in from Indonesia. They told there are some issues, but not really around the main touristy parts. We'll see what it looks like when the time comes I guess. Looking forward to seeing a bit of China. May only be a short stay though, as I want to head on to Loas.

    Working on a Sunday morning??? Busy lately???

  5. Colin
    The Little Tent That Won't. Ha!!! Nice one! I like it!! And as for eating kiwi down under....I can't confirm nor deny the allegation. Not sure about the shoe polish thing, but I will try to find out. I think that they took a bad beating out in the wild...spending a little too much time on the 'prey'side of the equation.

    As for the skydiving, I have already pulled that off in Canada. Unfortunately, no offensive videos are available from that one, although I think it would have been a good one.

  6. Tara,
    Good to hear that Thor is doing well. Must feel strange this time being the one who is doing the looking after. You two are quite the pair. Ha. I don't know about this family. I don't think that there is going to be too much dancing going on at the MacIntyre reunions in the future. Ha.

  7. Miss Kimi,
    Yes, the charm is still there. Helps that I'm back to using English again, where I can apply my magic. Ha! Speaking of magic, I'll start working on my dance routine for you. :P

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous7:29 PM


    please pass the word along to any aussies you meet. Whistler is full, we don't have any room, everyone has leparcy (?spelling) fact my arm just fell off and i've had to type this with one and and one foot.



  10. Slymon,
    Yeah, I remember from the last time I was there. All the aussies I meet always bring up 'Canada', with Canada actually just meaning Whistler. What's the season like out there....heard its pretty good. Are you patrolling on the hills?

  11. Anonymous11:42 AM

    HA! no patrols on the hills; we've had record snowfall this year...over 24ft (mid mountain, more on the peaks) so far and counting. it pretty much snows a foot everyday and too be honest, i'm really f'n tired of cleaning off my car. I've been sick for the last week so i will have to wait until next wednesday when i'm off work to go up again but guarranteed powder up to your waist line everytime you're up there.

    and the aussie thing....if i don't see another aussie for as long as i live, it'll be too soon. I can appreciate the ones we have here are prolly much different than the locals you meet but seriously, if i hear one more "but in australia you can do it...." I'll lose it.


  12. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Hi Ry,
    God, you're seeing some awesome scenery. That "little tent that couldn't" must be a problem with all men. Philip can never get his tent up either. Not much new here. Meeting Philip next week for our cruise. House is going on the market while we are away. Hope it sells quickly as hate to have people traipsing through out house. Hope all is well with you. Be good and be careful. Lov ya
    Auntie Marion
